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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2009, 11:58 AM
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Data/Internet while connected to ActiveSync

I've been having an issue while connected to ActiveSync: for some reason, my data connection is completely cut off while I'm connected. The "Allow wireless connection on device when connected to the desktop" option is left on within AS.

A "Cannot Connect" "Dialed: #777" message shows up once I plug in my usb and the sync starts, and I then lose connectivity.
My Microsoft MyPhone synchronization fails (no connection to the internet), and if I load Opera, all that shows up on any page is just a blank white screen (nothing loads).

The odd thing is, if I leave Opera open, then plug in my usb for an ActiveSync connection, the #777 message may still pop up, but I am able to continue to surf the specific site. If I restart Opera, data connecion is gone again.

Does anybody else have this issue? Any thoughts on possible solutions? I don't mind as to whether or not my phone uses internet through my PC or through my data connection, as long as either works while connected to ActiveSync.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2009, 12:49 PM
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Re: Data/Internet while connected to ActiveSync

Anybody have this issue? It happens to me

a) no matter what computer with ActiveSync I try

b) no matter what ROM I try (currently on Juicy 7)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2009, 02:42 PM
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Re: Data/Internet while connected to ActiveSync

I have what sounds like a related challenge but I don't believe it's a problem, just the way it is.

I leave my TP plugged into my desktop PC at work while i'm at my desk. When it's connected, it uses my work internet which has restrictions and I also have discovered that my problems with picture mail are from this as well. While i'm connected to the desktop PC and using my work's internet I cannot send or receive pic messages and even after disconnecting they never arrive on my phone.

I don't know if this observation helps but I think the solution i'm looking for would fix yours too:

I want to be able to be connected to ActiveSync via USB but use my phone's (Sprint) internet to browse etc. I think if there's a way to force that connection it may solve your problem as well.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: Data/Internet while connected to ActiveSync

on XP activsync there is an option in connection settings to define what network your pc's on. set it to "Work".

opera still has a problem, but I was never very fond of that browser anyway.
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Old 04-27-2009, 04:05 PM
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Re: Data/Internet while connected to ActiveSync

I tried that and now I get an error when connecting to activesync: Support Code:85020006 and it tells me to do something in the connections settings on my TP... any help?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2009, 06:29 PM
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Re: Data/Internet while connected to ActiveSync

I figured out a way to get it to work:

If you go to Start->Settings->Connections->USB to PC, and uncheck the "Enable faster data synchronization" box, then data connectivity works again.

Has anybody figured out a way to enable the TCP/IP Activesync WHILE still having data working on the phone?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 10:41 AM
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Re: Data/Internet while connected to ActiveSync

sorry about not mentioning that other option.. I never use the "faster", seems to cause more problems.

I'm still a little unclear if you want to use the phone's internet on the pc, &or actually use activesync (outlook).
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 11:48 AM
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Re: Data/Internet while connected to ActiveSync

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
sorry about not mentioning that other option.. I never use the "faster", seems to cause more problems.

I'm still a little unclear if you want to use the phone's internet on the pc, &or actually use activesync (outlook).
Syncing via ActiveSync has no issues, whether in TCP/IP mode or in the old serial mode.

My applications on the phone that need to use the internet don't work when Activesync is connected using the "faster" mode.

Tethering works fine
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 02:34 PM
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Re: Data/Internet while connected to ActiveSync

I just have a thought -> if you're in the newer ActiveSync network functionality mode, you can technically set ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) on your PC, and have it share your internet access to the virtual Windows Mobile network connection. That should be a nice workaround...unfortunately, there's no way for me to test it at work (domain Group Policy restricts it), but i'll try it out when I get home.

It's a shame that my data connection still fails while connected to ActiveSync though. I'd still like to somehow get that working if possible.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2009, 03:09 PM
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Re: Data/Internet while connected to ActiveSync


I believe I have found the fix to my problem of no internet / data connectivity via ActiveSync 4.5. This even works with the "Enable faster data synchronization" option checked in the USB to PC settings.

All that's required is a little registry fix on the PC with AS, as per my searching on XDA. I've attached it for the benefit of anybody that has the same problem.

Cheers all.
Attached Files
File Type: zip AS_Internet_Fix.zip (254 Bytes, 50 views) Click for barcode!
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