Wrong Time Displayed on Touch Pro
I can't find any place where this has been discussed, so I apologize if this subject has already been posted.
I recently received my new TP and am mostly satisfied with it. However, I cannot get my clock to display the correct time. The clock shows and hour later than the actual time (i.e. it's really 8am, but the clock shows 9am). I thought, "Let me check my timezone settings, and maybe this is a DST issue." I made sure that my time zone was set to GMT- Arizona. Keep in mind that Arizona does not observe DST, so we Arizonans don't usually have to worry about it. After this did not work, I unchecked the box that says, "Time syncronize with mobile network automatically," hoping that now my TP would sync time to my computer. This did not solve the issue. I even tried to reset the time manually, but somehow, it changed back to the incorrect time.
If any one else has this problem, or if anyone has any insight on how to fix it, let me know.
BTW, I installed the Windows Mobile DST Update.
HTC 6850 Touch Pro
Windows Mobile 6.1
ROM Ver. 1.03.651.4