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Old 04-15-2009, 11:54 AM
remoc8116's Avatar
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Short review on screen protector and Belt Clip holster

Ok so i purchased the below X3 screen saver for my touch pro, Here are my thoughts and observations. First of all the main screen protector is probably the best one i have had and i am on my 4th, $60 later i find a cheapie that works great.(No bubbles and IMO fits perfect) The bottom of the protector i put 4 small cuts in with a very sharp knife to help ease the air out. It worked but still has some air trapped around the circle D pad, Overall i give this screen protector a big thumbs up. Here are some things you need to do b4 applying.....Another thought, You can cut the D-Pad hole bigger, Find a template ie small flashlight or something like that and trim around it...You will need a very sharp knife or razor blade.

1. Wash your hands
2. Wash your hands(any dirt or grime on your hands will end up on your screen under the protector.

3. Wipe the phone down good( I use electronic wipes from walmart then went over it with the cloth provided)

4. When done wiping blow the phone screen off so u get all the fuzz and any other dust on there.

5. Very carefully apply screen protector and enjoy.....Link to protector

Now i also ordered a Cheap and i mean Cheap($1.49) Belt clip holster from ebay which i will link to and WOW!!! This thing is way better than any of the belt clip holsters i was checking out at the sprint store( The ones at the sprint store were either too loose or to tight) This think rocks .....Hope this helps some of you guy's who have a pro and like me are on a budget


Always in a state of confusion

Last edited by remoc8116; 04-15-2009 at 12:36 PM.
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