I just got my Verizon HTC Touch Pro over the weekend, and I am still learning a lot on how to use this phone. This is my first Smartphone. I've used a Voyager and The V before this.
I was having problems with the text messages I've sent. I just want to make sure that my phone is not defective.
When I enable the "Keep copies of sent messages on the sent folder", everytime I open Text Messaging, the phone will automatically send the items again (the same messages that was sent before). It seems like it is reading all the items on the Sent Folder, and sending them again. The result, my contacts are receiving like 4-5 messages, with the same text.
I called Verizon, and their solution was to uncheck that feature. He instructed me to clear the sent folder, and my inbox... after that, the problem was fixed. I told them I am okay without the feature, but it would be nice to be fixed on a future update. He checked my software version, and he said it is the most current one.
Can anyone using the stock VZ Touch Pro confirm that this happens to you too when you enable that setting? it duplicates it too even if you send the text message to yourself...
Any input would be much appreciated... Thanks!
P.S. I love my phone!