Auto Disable Data if Wifi Available?
I apologize if this has already been brought up, but I've searched extensively with both searches, and nothing comes up. I may be using the wrong search terms. I feel that I did read a thread about this in the past but I can't locate it anymore.
Is there a way to automatically turn off the data connection if I have a successful wifi connection?
For instance, when I come home, I turn on my wireless radio to connect to my router, but my phone signal isn't that great. It still however, tries to access the internet if I browse or sync through the data connection, and not the wifi. I have to manually shut off the data connection in comm manager for it to work.
Can that be done automatically? or can the priorities be set so that the wifi is the initial network connection, and if not available, the data connection would be used?
Last edited by Big D5; 03-27-2009 at 07:41 AM.