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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 07:54 AM
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Touch Pro + Airave issue

I just got an Airave from Sprint and I notice an issue with the Touch Pro.

For some reason the phone wont stay connected to the Airrave and really favors EVDO. I can be standing next to the device and eventually the phone will swich to EVDO on the sprint tower that has 0 to 1 bar of signal strength.

Both mine and my wife's pro does the same thing. Basically its causing us to have issues using the device because it always wants to be on EVDO. Is anyone else having this issue?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 07:58 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

Nope. I have an Airave in my home and in my office and my HTC Touch Pro functions perfectly on them. Now... I am not sure how people think they're supposed to work, but my phones (I've had the Airave's for a while now with several different phones) have always had the Ev icon with a full/100% signal strength indicator.

In times when you think you're not on the Airave signal, can you hit *99 and see what happens?

Last edited by DrSuSE; 03-26-2009 at 08:01 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 08:56 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

I have an Airave but also get EVDO perfectly in my home. But my area is a bit different. I'm in one of those weird areas where Sprint does have EVDO on their native network. The EVDO comes from the cellular side from Alltel even though you aren't roaming. To the average person it looks like Sprint has EVDO here. So my phone picks up voice 1X from Airave and gets data from the Alltel tower 1/4 mile from my house.

What area do you live in? Check to see if EVDO is coming from the cellular side...##DEBUG# on the dialer.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 09:01 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

Originally Posted by dougm0 View Post
I just got an Airave from Sprint and I notice an issue with the Touch Pro.
For some reason the phone wont stay connected to the Airrave and really favors EVDO. I can be standing next to the device and eventually the phone will swich to EVDO on the sprint tower that has 0 to 1 bar of signal strength.
Both mine and my wife's pro does the same thing. Basically its causing us to have issues using the device because it always wants to be on EVDO. Is anyone else having this issue?
Originally Posted by DrSuSE View Post
Nope. I have an Airave in my home and in my office and my HTC Touch Pro functions perfectly on them. Now... I am not sure how people think they're supposed to work, but my phones (I've had the Airave's for a while now with several different phones) have always had the Ev icon with a full/100% signal strength indicator.

In times when you think you're not on the Airave signal, can you hit *99 and see what happens?
contrary to what you may have been told the Airave is for voice only, not data.
Its funny, at least 35 threads a day are people who tried to flash and messed up, or wonder why in the middle of the night their phone up and did a hard reset by 'itself'.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 09:05 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

Originally Posted by Talon Pro View Post
contrary to what you may have been told the Airave is for voice only, not data.
Can you site proof/source? I've heard that before... but if I turn my Airave off I get nearly no signal in my office. I cannot browse consistently, send email, etc etc.

Turn the Airave on, all of those things work perfectly with great speed.

Sorry, your comment doesn't fit with my trial results.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 09:10 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

Originally Posted by Talon Pro View Post
contrary to what you may have been told the Airave is for voice only, not data.
I love disproving absolute statements, lol...

From the Airave FAQ ( http://www.nextel.com/assets/pdfs/en...irave_faqs.pdf ):

22. Does AIRAVE support Sprint Mobile Broadband (EVDO)? AIRAVE does not currently support Sprint Mobile Broadband (EVDO) data speeds. Your mobile device will continue to receive Sprint Mobile Broadband (EVDO) services directly from the Nationwide Sprint Network while within range of the AIRAVE.

23. What happens if Sprint Mobile Broadband (EVDO) is not available via the Nationwide Sprint Network? Your mobile device will use the AIRAVE for data services with a maximum data throughput of 153.8 Kbps
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 09:15 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

Originally Posted by DrSuSE View Post
Can you site proof/source? I've heard that before... but if I turn my Airave off I get nearly no signal in my office. I cannot browse consistently, send email, etc etc.

Turn the Airave on, all of those things work perfectly with great speed.

Sorry, your comment doesn't fit with my trial results.

The Airave does provide 1x data connection, but not EVDO. Samsung (who makes it) says they are working on a firmware patch for it.

I have one, and I can definitley tell you that the signal strength indicator on the phone is unreliable when in an Airave service area. Most of the time on my two Pros it will only show one bar of service, until I make a call, then it shows full bars. Interestingly enough, if I use a stock Rom, this doesnt happen. Its only on custom Roms. It also causes the phones to randomly wake up (screen turns on). I have heard this is an issue with all WinMo phones.

Check your internet connection and make sure its steady. If your modem loses connection even for a second, the Airave will take at least 2 mins to sync back up. Its happened to me on occasion...most recently the other day when I was talking to my mom.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 09:18 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

My Airave has never (to my knowledge, as in... while I was using it) skipped a beat on voice or data in my home or office. I'm always very careful to install it and locate it according to the Sprint recommendations. I never have mysterious phone wake-ups, stalled/dropped data connections, or call issues on it.

I use it for emailings, SMS, MMS, calls, and web browsing. Works great!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 09:21 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

Originally Posted by DrSuSE View Post
My Airave has never (to my knowledge, as in... while I was using it) skipped a beat on voice or data in my home or office. I'm always very careful to install it and locate it according to the Sprint recommendations. I never have mysterious phone wake-ups, stalled/dropped data connections, or call issues on it.

I use it for emailings, SMS, MMS, calls, and web browsing. Works great!

Interesting...I wonder why mine does it. There is a length thread over on XDA about this.....I wonder if its only certain circumstances that it happens....I dunno...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 09:23 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

Do you use the external GPS antenna? Honestly, I have no idea if/why it would make a difference, but I always do (a Sprint rep once told me, about a year ago, that it worked much better than the internal antenna).

Side note: Again, I'm not saying it's EVDO... I never even gave it any thought other than to note that I always have the Ev icon. All I am saying is the Airave definitely works great for data too, not just voice. 153.8Kbps is more than enough for normal usage. Anything I do that would need more is done on my PC.
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