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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 09:28 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

I aslo have Airave since before it came to stores and true it is not EV it just a error on phone part. I have never lost a call. Before I had no signal at all, not even on roaming. There are times that the phone will wake up with the Airave. I have read many post about a patch but from what I read on here http://forums.buzzaboutwireless.com/...cending&page=2
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 09:31 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

Lack of EVDO support is what is stopping me from getting an airave.

Are you guys saying that you get EVDO speeds because the phone will use data from the tower, but when on a voice call, it will use the airave? If that's the case, I might have to get one...

If it says EV but you still get 1x speeds...I'll wait.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 09:34 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

To be truthful, I don't know what speeds you're supposed to get from what... But my phone, which otherwise has no signal at all in my office (for example), gets great voice service and data speeds from the Airave (to me ~154Kbps is perfectly fine). I get this data service from the Airave regardless of whether or not I am on a call.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 10:09 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

I will have to do some more testing when I get home. Maybe I just cant trust the signal meter on the phone.

Looking at my phone I notice that it jumps from full 1x which is airave to 0-1 bar EVDO while idle.

Im not worried about data, only voice. We get awful cell reception in the house and normally cant hold a call.

Tonight I will make some random calls and see if the phone uses the Airave when its showing EVDO.

The Airave itself always has blue solid lights on everything.

I just figured the phone would lock on to the highest signal and not jump around like it seems to be doing.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 10:15 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

I believe the 1X and EV signals are managed independently, so 1 Ev bar doesn't mean you don't still have full 1X. I could be wrong, but that is how I think it is.

Also remember, you can test whether or not you're on Airave voice by dialing *99.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 10:21 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

Originally Posted by DrSuSE View Post
I believe the 1X and EV signals are managed independently, so 1 Ev bar doesn't mean you don't still have full 1X. I could be wrong, but that is how I think it is.

Also remember, you can test whether or not you're on Airave voice by dialing *99.
it also makes 2 little beeps right before connecting a call if you are on Airave, and two little beeps when disconnecting from it as well.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 10:23 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

Originally Posted by DaPeeps View Post
it also makes 2 little beeps right before connecting a call if you are on Airave, and two little beeps when disconnecting from it as well.
Oh yeah... I guess I got used to those and forgot about them.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 10:31 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

I think this is a problem for people who live in fringe EVDO areas.... From what ive seen, the phone normally seeks the the faster of the the 1x and EV signals, not necessarily the best or strongest. Whenever you try to place a call it will connect to the airrave and show you 1x on your phone. I suspect people with this problem also have issues with battery life because of the constant toggling between a weak EV signal and the 1x airave signal. My solution was setting the phone to 1x mode only at home, which has given me perfect 1x signal and no battery issues. Ive also have a mortscript which lets me toggle between (1x) - (Hybrid (1x/EV)) mode that makes the process simplier when you want to switch back to allow EVDO. my 2 cents
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 11:01 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

only had one issue of my phone ever dropping a call in the almost year that i hagve had it. airave will give you 1x data and when i connect it will then give me full bars...but never had any issues with it not working properly
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 11:10 AM
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Re: Touch Pro + Airave issue

Originally Posted by DaPeeps View Post
The Airave does provide 1x data connection, but not EVDO. Samsung (who makes it) says they are working on a firmware patch for it.

I have one, and I can definitley tell you that the signal strength indicator on the phone is unreliable when in an Airave service area. Most of the time on my two Pros it will only show one bar of service, until I make a call, then it shows full bars. Interestingly enough, if I use a stock Rom, this doesnt happen. Its only on custom Roms. It also causes the phones to randomly wake up (screen turns on). I have heard this is an issue with all WinMo phones.

Check your internet connection and make sure its steady. If your modem loses connection even for a second, the Airave will take at least 2 mins to sync back up. Its happened to me on occasion...most recently the other day when I was talking to my mom.
absolutely right. the Airrave is EVDO CAPABLE but needs an update to enable it

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