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Old 03-12-2009, 03:30 AM
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HELP - Restored SMS from Resco Backup not showing up in threaded mode, only classical

Well, after having to hard reset my MightROM 4.12 for the 30th time today (literally - I probably should pick another ROM, but am waiting for everyone to refresh), I tried to restore my SMS backup that I had scheduled in 6 hour increments (due to the ROM problem).

In any case, I can see all my Inbox and Sent items when I'm in Classical mode. However, when I switch to Threaded, the Inbox is empty (while it still displays the proper count at the bottom, no messages appear). Previously, when I would switch from Classical to Threaded, the messages would rethread themselves.

Has anyone had success restoring SMS (and having them re-thread) with Resco? Or am I out of luck on this?

I have tried restoring the messages while in Classical mode as well as Threaded mode with the same result. I am going to load a different ROM and try to restore to it as a test.

EDIT @ 2:18AM Pacific : Found solution to issue

After thinking about it for a few minutes, I realized that if all the texts are showing up in classical mode, I'll just back them up with a different app that doesn't screw around with cedbs... PPCPimBackup! I backed up the messages (in classical mode) and then just restored them (in classical mode). Switched to threaded mode and then fired up Messaging... Bam! They're rethreading right now. In about 40 or so minutes, I should be good to go. Unless it screws up and rethreads in the wrong order.

I am probably going to use a different app - not really happy with Resco because of this. I see that a lot of people reference Sprite (which I never bothered to use before), so I'm going to give that a shot once this rethread is done.

Now to figure out if I really want to stay on MightyROM, or try something different....

EDIT @ 3:33AM Pacific : Threaded incorrectly

Well, that didn't turn out right. And it took longer than 40 minutes... For a few of the conversations with just a few exchanges, the messages are threaded. However, the remainder of them are just the received messages (all the sent/mine are not included). I know that for many people, restore with PPCPimBackup has been a hit/miss situation, so I don't know what to try now.... I'm going to try something, but don't know what, yet.

If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this problem... Please chime in!

Last edited by mcw; 03-12-2009 at 06:36 AM. Reason: Threaded incorrectly
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2009, 09:22 AM
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Re: HELP - Restored SMS from Resco Backup not showing up in threaded mode, only class

Well, I can tell you that Sprite definitely does restore threaded texts just fine.

I have a spare TP that I use for ROM testing etc that is running Mighty 4.12 right now.

I restored a Sprite BU (that came from a different phone) to it a few days ago & all the texts are there exactly as they where when the BU was made.

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Old 03-12-2009, 06:26 PM
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Re: HELP - Restored SMS from Resco Backup not showing up in threaded mode, only class

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
Well, I can tell you that Sprite definitely does restore threaded texts just fine.
Thanks for the confirmation!

I had to leave my phone at work since it was late, and I didn't want to wait for the restore again... When I get back to work, I'm going to try to take a backup of the messages while in classical mode, and hopefully, Sprite will be able to restore them back into their proper threaded goodness.
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