Re: Metro HTC Touch PRO wap working but no mms,youtube, or emai
Originally Posted by SPEED_RACER
I really hate to ask this stupid question..But What do you mean when you say open up your phone and enter ##778# and edit...To dial ##778# and hit talk?? every time I do that I get some *** recording saying I dialed a wrong number...Sorry guys I am new to All this...I got my touch pro flashed today over to metro and wanted to try fixing the internet/mms myself instead of paying someone to do it...I have already found a form on the diamond which is the same...Just need a little help, I just can't seem to find the folders on steps 1 and 2 do i need a file editor installed 1st, also do I have to have a cooked rom to change all this stuff as mine is still factory
alltel uses ##778 send dont use the # at the end and you'll get to your epst
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