YouTube video really looks awesome on the Touch pro, now that Google has upgraded the video quality to HD {High Definition}. No, the Touch Pro does not have 1080i, but with the next generation digital codecs {dll} files installed on your mobile device, it truly enhances the video resolution quality to another level {Mobile Definition TV} using Internet Explorer ONLY... IF YOUR SHOULD DESIRE TO INSTALL ONE OF THE TCPMP PLAYER SET UP'S BELOW ON YOUR MOBILE PHONE, FIRST REMOVE/DELETE "ALL CURRENT TCPMP SOFTWARE" FROM YOUR MOBILE DEVICE, INCLUDING TCPMP FILES FROM THE TCPMP DIRECTORY. THE TCPMP DIRECTORY MAY BE LOCATED AT "DEVICE> PROGRAM FILES OR SD CARD> PROGRAM FILES. IF YOU REFUSE TO FOLLOW THIS INSRUCTION, THEN YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME, "CRASH TEXT ERROR", "UNKNOWN FILE FORMAT ERROR" THAT'S WHAT YOU WILL GET...! IF YOU DESIRE TO INSTALL "THE ALL PRO MULTI MEDIA VIDEO/MUSIC PACKAGE", SEE SECTIONS #1 For ALL THE STEPS or post#1024 for steps {1.} and {2.} ONLY, Please READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.... SECTION #1 HOME OF "THE ALL PRO MULTI MEDIA VIDEO/MUSIC PACKAGE"...... *CDMA, GSM VERSION... ************************************************** ****************** *NOTE ALL VIDEO TOOLS ARE NOW IN POST #2....! *NEW INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE VP6/FLV4 "ALL PRO MULTI MEDIA VIDEO/MUSIC PACKAGE" INSTALLATION,... This new version TCPMP/Player set up using both, 2 TCPMP Players, here in {1.}, {2.} and Codecs set up in {2.}, also this set up plays On2 VP6 files, should work on just about all WM 6.1 PPC CDMA AND GSM... STEPS: {1.}, {2.}, {3.}, {4.}, and {5.} Are For The "ALL PRO Video Package", {CONTINUE TO READ} *{1.} First, install the new TCPMP-0.72RC1-GF5500 Edition Alpha 4.1.cab to the main memory, get it here http://www.mediafire.com/?cqwzz0db0qm, along with the Flashvideobundle.cab, H264.cab and the ac3ARM.cab. Next, install, EXTRACT the Wma and Wmv codecs to the Windows directory ONLY, each codec must be EXTRACTED one by one to the Windows directory ONLY... {DO NOT INSTALL THE WMSDMOD}...! You will find these WM9 codecs in post #8 at the very bottom of the page.. [The H264.cab and the ac3.ARM.cab, these 2 cab files are at the very bottom of this page], soft reset your TP... Go to http://www.youtube.com/?nomobile=1, Tap on the video of your choice, a drop menu will appear,{CLICK OK} Tap on "Play Video, play several videos, do a test to see if it's working correctly, if it's working OK... Do not uninstall! {CONTINUE TO READ} {2.}TCPMP CODECS SET UP: GO to Start> Programs> TCPMP> Options> Settings> Select Page> File Associations and check mark all the blocks. To make the TCPMP Player to play at the opening of the video automatically, go to "Select Page"> "PLAYER" and check mark the block, "Play at open" .... *{SEE POST #2 FOR THE STEREO SOURROUND SOUNDS SET UP 2 FILES DOWNLOAD FOR THE TP} {CONTINUE TO READ} *{3.} Next, install the TCPMP_Video_Player_Tech1_Ver_VP6_FLV4_HD.cab to the main memory, get it here http://www.mediafire.com/?f33ezlghl11... and play a YOUTUBE video, disregard ALL error messages, just click OK. ! If you get the error message "Unknown FILE FORMAT", "Crash Text Error", just reinstall the FlashvideoBundle.cab, DO NOT UNINSTALL the Flashvideobundle.cab file that you have already installed on your mobile device, go back to YouTube, the videos should play now... ![]() {CONTINUE TO READ} *{4.}NEW JUST RELEASED SATURN LIBERTY VGA/WVGA/QGVA 5 CHANNELS MOVIE CAB FILE VERSION 8090.0 VGAPPC DOWNLOAD, GET IT HERE:Net Compact Framework 3.5 REQUIRED {See Post #2 For NCF 3.5.cab download}... ************************************************** ******************** Movies, just released movies, that were in the theaters several weeks ago can be seen via your mobile web browser, INSTANT DOWNLOAD, "CLICK HERE NOW FOR THE CAB FILE VERSION 8090.0 VGA/WVGAPPC DOWNLOAD"> http://www.mediafire.com/?1ztlj1w3mim in Definition TV video quality... You will have to install the mobile cab file to your phone in the main memory from your PC... See Post #2 at the very bottom of the page for the new QVGA VERSION 8050.... *{SEE POST #8 FOR THE STEREO SURROUND SOUNDS SET UP 2 FILES DOWNLOAD FOR THE TP}...Thanks to darren.Wlsn1 and tx_jaycee (CONTINUE TO READ} {5.}NEW {WVD} VERSION v0. {WVD} WEB SCREAMING VIDEO AND VIDEO DOWNLOADER SECTION: ************************************************** ****************** *GET THE {WVD} WEB SCREAMING VIDEO AND VIDEO DOWNLOADER HERE, AWESOME, THE ULTIMATE INTERNET EXPLORER ONLINE VIDEO CONNECTION TOOL, PLAYS ALL THE VIDEO SITES, THE FLASHVIDEOBUNDLE'S BIG SISTER, A MUST GOT TO HAVE ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE. WORKS BEST WITH THE ABOVE TCPMP PLAYER SET UP IN {1.}, {2.} AND {3.}, {4.}, [5.}...! GET THE {NEW VERSION V0.0.18.0 Jan.30, 2009} DOWNLOAD HERE: http://www.mediafire.com/?0fmxjzzhfyz AND COMPLETE DETAILS HERE http://wvd.jm-dev.com/ ...{SEE POST #2 FOR THE STEREO SURROUND SOUNDS SET UP 2 FILES DOWNLOAD FOR THE TP} {CONTINUE TO READ} This is how you get the videos started using the {WVD} 1. Tap on The magnifying glass in lower left Conner first. 2. Tap on the "Website drop menu" to make your video site selection, also you can Tap on "Category" or "Sort by" then Tap on "Search" in the lower right hand corner. 3. Let the "Video Search Page Load", then Tap on the video of your choice. 4.Next Tap on the "Triangle Sign" in the lower right hand corner. 5.On some video sites, the {WVD} will as you what mode quality you want to watch the video in FLV4 or 3GP, ALWAYS CHOOSE 3GP and Tap on the "Check Mark", your video will now play.... By the way, "DailyMotion" video site is working like a charm... ADDED VIDEO/MUSIC ACCESSORIES HERE: 1. vTAP DOWNLOAD: GET ALL WEB VIDEO AT http://vtap.com via your mobile web browser... 2. GSPlayer, the music plays stereo surround sounds so smooth on your TP/PPC using the GSPlayer with awesome multi stereo sound parameters, Equalizer Preamp low and high Slide Bar., Surround Sound Adjustment Slide bar, 3D Effect Slide Bar, Reverb Slide Bar, Echo Slide Bar. Once you listen to music using this player, you will never use the Windows Media player for music again. You can add your favorite radio URL's, add a playlist and listen to radio in a sound quality that you never knew you had on your TP/PPC. Get the GSplayer here http://www.mediafire.com/?jy1q9zfdmza ..... 3. THE TOUCH PRO/PPC SUPER ARCADE VIDEO GAMES, get it here http://www.mediafire.com/?uyiayv4gotv ..... 9.TV On Your TP: Go to http://www.streams4pda.com/... Via your mobile web browser, it's like having a Satellite TV Dish in the palms of your hands.... Internet TV There are loads of TV channels and sites offering free online videos. I just wanted to mention this one which is one of the original sites that is still in operation today to list free TV online channels. WWiTV.COM Not really digital music related but I wanted to share this as part of this first ever digital music... {WORKS BEST WITH THE NEW LATEST SKYFIRE WEB BROWSER} 4. Outer Space Technology:All man made satellites that you see in motion are in "REAL NOW TIME", even the crafts that you see on the planet Mars are also in "REAL NOW TIME", all views of Man Made Satellites and crafts are Via NASA @SatPPC, get the software download here http://www.mediafire.com/?antlnmdmvlc and for the deep space view, the "Orionic data base", also in "Real Now Time" {STAR WARS STUFF,UFO TURFS}, get the software download here http://www.mediafire.com/?a4jycdgnvz2 ... *{SEE POST #2 FOR THE STEREO SURROUND SOUNDS SET UP FOR THE TP} THE ALL PRO MULTI MEDIA VIDEO/MUSIC PACKAGE ENDS HERE.....! ************************************************** ********************* SECTION #2 HOME OF THE "ALL IN ONE VIDEO PACKAGE"... *CDMA, GSM VERSION.... ************************************************** ********************* (#2) THE ALL NEW "ULTIMATE" CAB FILE by Stroths/Technology1, this new version should work on just about all WM 6.1 PPC CDMA and GSM mobile phones, {TCPMPYouTube Video Player 2009 "ULTIMATE" VERSION "ALL IN ONE"} JUST RELEASED GET IT HERE: The Stroths/Technology1 {AI1} Graphic Decoder Enhancer HD/Blu-ray TCPMPYouTube Video Player Ultimate Version, INSTALL TO THE MAIN MEMORY ONLY, get it here http://www.mediafire.com/?mdzm6m9yvxj1... After you install the "ALL IN ONE" cab file to your mobile device, you will still need to install the H264 cab file and the ac3.ARM cab file to the main memory, they are located at the very bottom of this page, INSTALL THESE 2 FILES ONLY FROM THE VERY BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. If you are not getting all the "Video Sites", then install the FlashvideoBundle.cab along with this package... Please be informed, the Saturn Liberty Movie download above in section #1 will work with the "ALL IN ONE "TCPMP/YOUTUBE PLAYER set up and the {WVD} will also work with this set up too... Just install both components software parts to the main memory....! *(2A)The Diamond Ati D3D driver, get it here http://www.mediafire.com/?7dbo9zm1rzy ... Must be installed to the main memory... Starting your video using the ALL IN ONE CAB FILE, go to http://www.youtube.com/?nomobile=1 via your mobile web browser, IE only. TAP on the video of your choice, a drop menu will appear, TAP on "play video" ... For the "AUTO START UP PLAY MODE", go to Options> Settings> Select Page> Player and check mark the block "PLAY AT OPEN"... For the "MANUAL START UP PLAY MODE", go down to the lower left hand corner of the screen, where it say "File Options" there you will see 2 vertical lines "|", TAP on the right hand side of the first vertical line to get your video playing... To view your video in the "Full Screen Mode", Tap on the right hand side of the second vertical line "|" just before the blue sound icon... {THE ALL IN ONE CAB FILE SECTION ENDS HERE... ************************************************** ********************* *THIS SECTIONS #3 IS FOR THE STOCK TP ONLY..... ************************************************** ********************* *THE TCPMP PLAYER SET UPS ABOVE IN SECTIONS #1 AND #2 WILL WORK ON THE STOCK TP ALSO... (#3}IF THE ABOVE SET UPS DOES NOT WORK ON YOUR PHONE AND YOU HAVE A SPRINT STOCK ROM ON YOUR TP, PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING SET UP DOWN BELOW IN SECTION TECH 1....... *(3)Do not mix the above All In One Cab File with the manual install cabs below outside of the instructions on your TP, If you do mix the files, you surely will get the "Crash Text" error. *(Tech 1) If you have a Sprint stock ROM on your WM 6.1 pda phone, you can use this TCPMP/Player also, get it here http://www.mediafire.com/?tjztmqzumng ... You will still need to install the (1) FlashvideoBundle.cab, (2)H264.cab and the (3)ac3.ARM.cab, ALL TO THE MAIN MEMORY, soft reset your device. These 3 files can be found at the very bottom of this page ... Last edited by Technology1; 03-02-2009 at 10:58 PM. |
This post has been thanked 91 times. |
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1. Darkness231 Opera Default Remover.zip http://www.mediafire.com/?mmznwmkojkn 2. Diamond TWeak 0.5.3 English.cab {CLOCK FIX} http://www.mediafire.com/?dm1fjtuxooy Don't uninstall the Saturn App. Use download here, see read below. When you run Diamond Tweak go to 5 Title Bar, 5.2 Date and Time and make sure Time (default) is selected this should get rid of the date. Also make sure that 5.1 battery Icon is set to Show (default). This will fix your clock.....! 3.The TouchLockPro 1.9.2.cab Clock Fix http://www.mediafire.com/?dm1fjtuxooy 4. Advance Configeration Tool v3.3.cab http://www.mediafire.com/?4qgggdmzq2m This will fix you right up 5. Netcf 3.5cab.zip http://www.mediafire.com/?yvmkywjewxj 6. Netcfcfg.cab http://www.mediafire.com/?ymxy2vwt9jt Windows audio and video codecs, each separately must be extracted to the Windows directory... The TouchLockPro 1.9.2 will fix the clock that the Saturn Liberty cab may have messed up on your TP.... Also you can use the Diamond TWeaks to fix your clock... The stereo surround sounds below, the WOWHD121.cab install to the main memory... The WOWHD_ARM_Panel.cpl.zip must be extracted to the Windows directory, soft reset your mobile device... THE SATURN LIBERTY MOVIE CAB BELOW IS FOR "QVGA/WQVGA WM 6.1/6.5 PPC" ONLY....! Last edited by Technology1; 02-28-2009 at 06:55 PM. |
This post has been thanked 13 times. |
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
i need someone who has the main parts of this setup running on a stock tp to pm me if your willing to help a little with replys plus info. on your setup. please pm me. please lets keep it civil in the thread so we can all get this setup working on stock and flashed tp. any suggestions can also be sent to me via pm. my goal is to rewrite the instructions so there a little clearer.
![]() Last edited by darren.wlsn1; 03-02-2009 at 09:46 PM. |
Re: NEW! Saturn Liberty VGA 5 Channels Movie CAB
I downloaded and installed the saturn liberty movie cab, and since I've done this whenever I take my keyboard out, form fields in whatever app I'm in do not show the text I'm typing in. Has anyone else had this problem?
Re: NEW! Saturn Liberty VGA 5 Channels Movie CAB
goto start\settings\system and disable cleartype in screen icon and your good. did this happen with new vga cab? just so i know and can report to saturn liberty.
Re: NEW! Saturn Liberty VGA 5 Channels Movie CAB
This is due specifically to the (incorrect) enabling of ClearType in landscape mode. If you install Diamond Tweak, you can correct this (i.e., turn off ClearType in landscape mode) while retaining ClearType in portrait mode (which is correct).
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