My phone is MESSED UP!
So I'm totally new to all this, and, well, I thought I could do a little changes to my phone. Well...I dont even know where to begin.
I downloaded "Red and Chrome" theme then it gave me a flip clock for some reason, and the last digit was transparent and you could hardly see it. Before I downloaded this, I downloaded "flipclock glass" from GoodThings2 something. And when I downloaded it form him, it never ever worked no matter what I did, so I figured I'd just download a whole theme. Well, I did, and now I have the theme but the flip clock is there and it looks realy odd.
SO! I deleted all of the "brian" files from my device (they were from Red and Chrome" and removed the "brian" programs. Three of the brian programs couldnt be deleted all the way though, for some reason.
BASCIALLY! I'm asking if there is anyway I can just get my phone all the way back to the beginning, or did my noobtastic dumbass mess up my phone for good
I'm sure its confusing for most because half the time I dont know what im talking about. But any help is greatly appreciated.