Do transparent clocks drain battery faster?
As in, a LOT faster? I had my phone on the charger all night, so I THINK it had a full charge to start the day off. But around 2pm today I noticed I had only 35% battery left. I have been doing quite a bit of texting today and using Opera Mini a bit, but that normally NEVER drops the battery even close to this fast.
Now... yesterday I did install & uninstall a few different things. The only REAL change I made was installing a transparent clock. I also had an issue with the skin/theme I had been using (my fault) so I ended up having to uninstall & reinstall my Calkulins Black Clock Telus CAB theme twice, maybe that has something to do with it? Another thing that happened today, although it has happened in the past and before the transparent clock, was my phone basically froze. I know this is Windows Mobile and all, so I wrote the freeze off as a glitch. But why in the world is my battery dropping this fast??