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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 11:26 PM
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Microsoft My Phone software now available.

Just got the email and I am downloading now.

"Welcome to Microsoft® My Phone, and thank you for your patience while on our wait list.
Your registration for the service is now available. To complete the sign up process, go to https://myphone.microsoft.com and follow the on-screen instructions.
We hope you enjoy the service!
Thank YouSincerely,The My Phone Team"
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 11:34 PM
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Re: Microsoft My Phone software now available.

Be sure to let us know how it is. What kind of wait would I be looking at if I signed up now?

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 11:36 PM
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Re: Microsoft My Phone software now available.

Doubt it'd be long, I signed up last week and already got an invite. I hope the backup capabilities of it are as good as they say.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 11:37 PM
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Re: Microsoft My Phone software now available.

Downloaded and messed with it last night. It sync'd all my contacts just fine, but I ran into some issues. First, it wanted to sync ALL text messages, like all 2000 of them. I didn't want to do that, so I just deleted all old SMS's in hopes that it would just archve new ones that came in after that. Well, even after I deleted all my texts, it kept on trying to upload them! Not sure where it was getting them from.

Also, I wanted it to upload my pics from the memory card. Unknowingly, it takes ALL pictures from the memory card. Pics from garmin, album art, everything. So basically, i just have my contacts backed up.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 11:38 PM
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Re: Microsoft My Phone software now available.

Thanks I'll keep that in mind when I begin syncing it.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 06:37 AM
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Re: Microsoft My Phone software now available.

i dont recommed using this... ever read the fine print in those "i accept or i decline" pop up boxes before downloads, especially in media players.. everything you play, atleast in WMP, that data is relayed to micrsoft and stored basically.. much like the NSA does with all voice calls, although nsa is actually searching for strings of key combinations of words.. nothing indicates microsft does anything with it, but id just be leary about having all my contacts(i def know some criminals) and text messages ran through a server all the time..

just sounds like an easy way to be monitored to me.. maybe im just paranoid, go through a few raids and youd understand too lol..

Go ahead and laugh, but i live in a state where text messages just took out a mayor, sent him and others to jail, and now most certainly going to end up getting him a multi year prison sentence... ha ha see ya Kwame
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 06:45 AM
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Re: Microsoft My Phone software now available.

sprite backup.. takes like 15 minutes. why mess around with that? if you want to save texts and contacts, pim backup.. pics? why be lazy.. just throw them on your sd card and transfer them over in a zip or something.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 07:30 AM
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Unhappy Re: Microsoft My Phone software now available.

Originally Posted by ou2mame View Post
sprite backup.. takes like 15 minutes.
Sprite Backup was a total disaster for me. When I tried to restore one Touch Pro's backup to another with the same ROM version, the resulting Update Profile and Update PRL gave error 407. When I tried to upgrade to the latest version of Sprite Backup, the earlier 6.x.x version refused to uninstall. Sprite, like the infamous Norton mess, has a special uninstaller on its web site, UninstallSpriteBackup.exe, but that did not successfully uninstall it either.

My workaround was to find the new version's .cab and force it to install against its will. It proclaimed that the installation was unsuccessful, but nevertheless the new version appears to run properly, and has made one backup so far. I do not dare to try to restore from it, though.

The most disillusioning thing is that if Sprite Backup is the most popular and most touted backup program for Windows Mobile, I can only suspect that any other choices will be garbage too.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 07:58 AM
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Re: Microsoft My Phone software now available.

Originally Posted by lgmayka View Post

The most disillusioning thing is that if Sprite Backup is the most popular and most touted backup program for Windows Mobile, I can only suspect that any other choices will be garbage too.
I never liked Sprite back in the Titan/mogul days, I had the paid for full version but after a few uses I never installed it again & stuck exclusively with SPB backup (which i also bought)

Now that I am using a few TouchPro's, everything seems to be changed however. I have three TP's & I am a "flash junkie" so I do a lot of backup/restore etc. I recently installed the latest version of Sprite (which has changed quite a bit from the old days) & this version is awesome IMHO.

As a first test when I was comparing different BU software's I decided to give all the programs the hardest test I could think of. All my TP's are the Sprint version, but I flash & activate them on my Verizon account. I loaded one of the TP's with every program/app/tweak/TF3D mod/ etc etc etc I could think of & then backed it up with Sprite, SPB & Resco backup.

I saved that BU file to a 16 gig Sandisk card. I then took a second TouchPro & flashed it with a completely different ROM & tried restoring the BU file from the first TP to that one.

I first did a full restore from SPB, but that did not work well at all. On the first restart I had to click off a bunch of error screens & then when it got to Windows TF3D refused to run (it went into an endless loop saying click here to launch TF but it was never successful).

I hard reset & then tried restoring the Resco BU file. This went MUCH better although it did produce a few error I had to click off. After that however it seemed to run almost perfectly.

I then hard reset again & restored the Sprite BU file. That produced the best results of all. When that restore was done, it restarted exactly the same as the original TP that the BU came from. No errors & every single detail works perfectly. All five email accounts work just fine, my work account logs in just fine, all my contacts & phone numbers are intact, all the texts that where there during the BU restored perfectly etc etc etc etc

I have since reflashed that second phone ROM at least five times to different ROM's & restored the fully loaded BU each time. I use the phone every day & I can't find a single function that does not work exactly as it's supposed to.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 08:03 AM
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Re: Microsoft My Phone software now available.

Originally Posted by crazychef View Post
but id just be leary about having all my contacts(i def know some criminals) and text messages ran through a server all the time..

just sounds like an easy way to be monitored to me.. maybe im just paranoid, go through a few raids and youd understand too lol..
Having been through this a few times myself, I definitely agree 100%.

There is no way in hell I am putting all this info on a server like that (I don't use dashwire either)

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