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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 05:10 PM
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Question Unable to answer phone ***POSSIBLE BUG***

Not sure how to best explain this situation, but it's happened to me twice. Both occasions involved the person I'm calling, calling me at the same time. The scenario is something like this. I dial the Person A's phone number. While it's ringing, an incoming call from that same person comes in. The caller ID shows "Unknown caller" and it starts trying to switch from the incoming call to the outgoing call. I can't answer the incoming call or ignore the incoming call. It rings and rings and rings. Once the incoming call ends it cancels the incoming call and shows like 7 or 8 missed calls all from Unknown at the same time. Not sure if I explained that the best but that's the best I can do. Anyone else have anything similar and if so did you find a way to fix it?

I am on a stock sprint rom but I have downloaded a few third party apps like G-alarm, NFL mobile, .net 3.5, etc.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2009, 10:59 PM
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Smile Re: Unable to answer phone ***POSSIBLE BUG***

Originally Posted by danzero7 View Post
Not sure how to best explain this situation, but it's happened to me twice. Both occasions involved the person I'm calling, calling me at the same time. The scenario is something like this. I dial the Person A's phone number. While it's ringing, an incoming call from that same person comes in. The caller ID shows "Unknown caller" and it starts trying to switch from the incoming call to the outgoing call. I can't answer the incoming call or ignore the incoming call. It rings and rings and rings. Once the incoming call ends it cancels the incoming call and shows like 7 or 8 missed calls all from Unknown at the same time. Not sure if I explained that the best but that's the best I can do. Anyone else have anything similar and if so did you find a way to fix it?

I am on a stock sprint rom but I have downloaded a few third party apps like G-alarm, NFL mobile, .net 3.5, etc.

hey this isn't an issue with your phone i live in ny and this happens on my blackberry curve and on my touch pro and did it on my touch and mogul and pearl it just sprint ****ty polling rate i think or glitch with network only time it doesn't do it is when i am roaming on verizon it sucks i always thought it was me calling back to fast and it gets really frustrating cuz then i wait a couple secs and usually do it again lol if i helped thank me that all i ask but u can try and get your msl and edit your priority its in the essentials sticky
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 09:25 AM
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Re: Unable to answer phone ***POSSIBLE BUG***

Originally Posted by danzero7 View Post
Not sure how to best explain this situation, but it's happened to me twice. Both occasions involved the person I'm calling, calling me at the same time. The scenario is something like this. I dial the Person A's phone number. While it's ringing, an incoming call from that same person comes in. The caller ID shows "Unknown caller" and it starts trying to switch from the incoming call to the outgoing call. I can't answer the incoming call or ignore the incoming call. It rings and rings and rings. Once the incoming call ends it cancels the incoming call and shows like 7 or 8 missed calls all from Unknown at the same time. Not sure if I explained that the best but that's the best I can do. Anyone else have anything similar and if so did you find a way to fix it?

I am on a stock sprint rom but I have downloaded a few third party apps like G-alarm, NFL mobile, .net 3.5, etc.



Yea, many WM phones (and other smartphones) are plagued with this 'phenomenon.'

It gets even better when you and the person trying to call you call each other back and keep getting voicemail for the next 5 minutes since you both are calling each other at the same time...

Oh well,

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 09:59 AM
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Re: Unable to answer phone ***POSSIBLE BUG***

I had the same problem yesterday on my way home from work. It happens under the same conditions as the op describes. It's amazing. I just laugh, soft reset my phone and go about my merry way home
Device History - Motorola Q, Treo 700p, HTC Touch, HTC Touch Pro, HTC Hero, HTC Evo 4G

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Old 02-20-2009, 10:06 AM
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Re: Unable to answer phone ***POSSIBLE BUG***

It's not a bug in the product. It's a "feature".
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2009, 01:26 PM
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Re: Unable to answer phone ***POSSIBLE BUG***

Originally Posted by danzero7 View Post
Not sure how to best explain this situation, but it's happened to me twice. Both occasions involved the person I'm calling, calling me at the same time. The scenario is something like this. I dial the Person A's phone number. While it's ringing, an incoming call from that same person comes in. The caller ID shows "Unknown caller" and it starts trying to switch from the incoming call to the outgoing call. I can't answer the incoming call or ignore the incoming call. It rings and rings and rings. Once the incoming call ends it cancels the incoming call and shows like 7 or 8 missed calls all from Unknown at the same time. Not sure if I explained that the best but that's the best I can do. Anyone else have anything similar and if so did you find a way to fix it?

I am on a stock sprint rom but I have downloaded a few third party apps like G-alarm, NFL mobile, .net 3.5, etc.

The only way i've seen to make this work properly is to disable HTC Dialer and use the default WM Dialer. That problem happened to me so many times that that's what I did and haven't had it happen since.
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