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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2009, 05:11 PM
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Locking my TP

This thread is mostly due to massive frustration with several things:
The WinMo Dev community
The built in WinMo lock
and WinMo itself

Every single one of those things has greatly let me down. I currently use an overlay of S2U2 and the built in simple pin. It's rare when S2U2 doesn't lag (And ive tried all the diff draw methods and setting deals. It's just not a very well written program.), and the generic locking screen looks awful, though i will give s2u2 props on the eye candy. Throttlelock was a disaster, it lags often worse than s2u2... it very often looks bad on the TP, and when i started playing with my friends G1, I noticed just how shoddy it really was in comparison. And on top of all that the stupid built in lock is possibly the only locking program that only has a time trigger, and not an event trigger. The only useful trigger. I NEED a lock on my phone, not only to keep out the many prying eyes, but I keep bank numbers, my ss#, my cc# and a wealth of other sensitive info on there. It's just not an option to not lock it (however, massive security isn't needed. It's not like I have hackers going after my phone... I just need a simple lock). Yet I am constantly frustrated to the point of wanting an iPhone just for the brilliant integration and execution OF THE LOCKING SYSTEM.

Yet beyond all of that, it seems that the prolific dev community just isn't responding to the need. I mean, S2U2 and Throttlelock were the only 3rd party things I could find, and I couldn't find a lock screen mod for the life of me... even though we can pretty much mod every other bit of WinMo.

So I guess my final question would be...
Is there anything else besides these programs? Have I missed anything?
A simple lock screen mod would probably do the trick for me.... but a gui + trigger mod for that would just make my day. Anywho...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2009, 05:52 PM
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Re: Locking my TP

I would be interested as well..
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2009, 06:02 PM
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Re: Locking my TP

Have you tried PocketShield, I didn't see it in your list. Its a very simple to use slide to unlock type program. It can unlock automatically if it detects light as well. If you receive a call in your pocket it will remain locked until you bring it into the light. There are a lot of options for you to tweak it to your personal needs.

The free version works really well, and is essentially the full version but has a screen that pops up once in like a hundred slides to ask you to purchase the program.
PS is one program I wouldn't mind paying a couple dollars for though, I found it way better than TouchLockPro and the built in locker. The developer behind the program is also super responsive and if you find a a bug he can fix it for you really quick.

Last edited by Darkjedi; 02-13-2009 at 06:06 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2009, 06:12 PM
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Re: Locking my TP

I have been using a little program called TouchlockPro 2. Its free and takes up very little resources. I liked it because it would lock the phone when in a pouch by using the light sensors on the Touch Pro automaticaly. When you take the phone out of the pouch it unlocks. If its too dark in the room you can even pull the stylus to unlock. You can check it out here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=444215
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2009, 07:37 PM
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Re: Locking my TP

Originally Posted by darkjedi007 View Post
Have you tried PocketShield, I didn't see it in your list. Its a very simple to use slide to unlock type program. It can unlock automatically if it detects light as well. If you receive a call in your pocket it will remain locked until you bring it into the light. There are a lot of options for you to tweak it to your personal needs.

The free version works really well, and is essentially the full version but has a screen that pops up once in like a hundred slides to ask you to purchase the program.
PS is one program I wouldn't mind paying a couple dollars for though, I found it way better than TouchLockPro and the built in locker. The developer behind the program is also super responsive and if you find a a bug he can fix it for you really quick.
zthanks for the info on Pocketshield. I really liked it and may even switch.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-13-2009, 08:00 PM
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Re: Locking my TP

Wow that pocketshield app is really great... thanks

now if only it had a password. Oh well, at least it cuts my problem in half
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