Originally Posted by AboveTheBULL
I'd had great success with my Fuze's GPS until a week ago when it just quit for no apparent reason. Soft resets, regedits, etc did little good -- it would find satellites sometimes and then immediately drop them. Other times, it would never find anything to begin with. A quick search of new threads over at XDA showed it to be radio related and supposedly fixed with the new AT&T test ROM....
Sorry I couldn't help you more before, xgm541... but now I see what you meant in your other thread. I guess short of trying the test/custom ROMs out there, we'll just have to wait for the new ROM....
I hope this isn't too a case of "too little, too late," but I do have an update for my fellow AT&T Fuze owners. I found that if I leave the registry alone (as in, don't make any GPS changes therein) and just disable aGPS on my Fuze through the control panel
(Settings --> System --> aGPS Settings), the previous issues are largely resolved. It takes 30-60 seconds to achieve an initial lock with a clear sky, but then it picks up within 10 seconds each time thereafter. Tracking/accuracy is consistently as good as all three of my Sprint TPs... and signal drops are no longer a problem. Definitely worth a look until the new ROM is out....
Oh, and sorry for the delay in posting -- but school has been kicking my @$$!!!!