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Old 02-04-2009, 01:24 AM
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HTC Overclock from 67 on TP seems to work

Hey guys just wanted to share, I was bored and went back to my old 67 forum looking around..etc...and I saw a post on the upgrade section about the HTC Overclock program.

So what the heck maybe it will work on the TP, D/l the cab and installed it on the TP bumped it up to 624, now I dont know if it is just me but I do see/noticed the TP programs..etc...loading up and responding a tad faster.

One thing I did notice was my battery level goes down alittle faster, of course from the O/C

Thank you very much 67 upgrade forum.

***Use at your own risk!!!!!!!*****
Attached Files
File Type: zip HTC Performance[1].cab.zip (55.8 KB, 54 views) Click for barcode!
6700(2nd Backup)-------Kirvin C&S 3.5 WM5 "Still Kicking"
TouchPro(1st Backup)---Mighty 4.16 / TouchPro2--Big MaxSense 6/9
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Last edited by Unknown Zone; 02-04-2009 at 01:44 AM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2009, 01:38 AM
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Re: HTC Overclock from 67 on TP seems to work

Placebo effect. The topic has been beat to death already here- the Qualcomm MSM CPUs do not support dynamic voltage required to make clock rate changes.
Remember the OMAP processors in the GSM phones (Wizard, Tornado, original Touch, etc)? They supported overclocking, as well as the Xscale found in the Apache as well as the original dell Axim, etc. Guess what? The Xscale overclocking tools didn't work on the Omap, and the Omap overclockers didn't work on the Xscale.
Know why?
The chips are different and use different voltage control commands!
So why on earth would you assume that the Qualcomm chips (which are well documented as NOT SUPPORTING DYNAMIC CLOCK SPEEDS AT ALL) would work with the Xscale clock tool that is HTCPerformance?!

I mean, if someone created a fake MSM overclocker, I'd understand if someone fell for it, but you're using a tool for the wrong architecture!

Sorry about the shouting, it just bothers me when people don't read...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2009, 01:43 AM
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Re: HTC Overclock from 67 on TP seems to work

Thats fine, no big deal ....if people want to use it here it is for them to d/l and check it out.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2009, 05:02 AM
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Exclamation Re: HTC Overclock from 67 on TP seems to work

Originally Posted by dishe View Post
Placebo effect. The topic has been beat to death already here- the Qualcomm MSM CPUs do not support dynamic voltage required to make clock rate changes.
Remember the OMAP processors in the GSM phones (Wizard, Tornado, original Touch, etc)? They supported overclocking, as well as the Xscale found in the Apache as well as the original dell Axim, etc. Guess what? The Xscale overclocking tools didn't work on the Omap, and the Omap overclockers didn't work on the Xscale.
Know why?
The chips are different and use different voltage control commands!
So why on earth would you assume that the Qualcomm chips (which are well documented as NOT SUPPORTING DYNAMIC CLOCK SPEEDS AT ALL) would work with the Xscale clock tool that is HTCPerformance?!

I mean, if someone created a fake MSM overclocker, I'd understand if someone fell for it, but you're using a tool for the wrong architecture!

Sorry about the shouting, it just bothers me when people don't read...
Yo stop being so harsh you sound like a tool,for real the guy thought he was bringing something he thought was special to the table you or i or anyone else could have told him the architecture was different and it would not work you dont have to yell and speak down to people...I think you was the smart guy in the back of the class that knew the answers but was a **** to get along with. Be easy with people, he obviously thought he was helping dont discouage encourage but provide direction.
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Old 02-04-2009, 05:49 AM
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Re: HTC Overclock from 67 on TP seems to work

Originally Posted by kgnupe2 View Post
Yo stop being so harsh you sound like a tool,for real the guy thought he was bringing something he thought was special to the table you or i or anyone else could have told him the architecture was different and it would not work you dont have to yell and speak down to people...I think you was the smart guy in the back of the class that knew the answers but was a **** to get along with. Be easy with people, he obviously thought he was helping dont discouage encourage but provide direction.
I totaly agree. Im known for being harsh sometimes but in this case I agree it was abit harsh.
Remember one thing in life. What ever your talking about, thats what your saying.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2009, 10:18 AM
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Re: HTC Overclock from 67 on TP seems to work

I don't think I'd risk Oc'ing my TP regardless of whether that program works or not. It gets hot enough as it is! Imagine if it was OCd?!

Also, its not a slow phone by any means so I don't see the need. On my Mogul though, it would've been a different story as that phone was slow.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2009, 11:59 AM
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Re: HTC Overclock from 67 on TP seems to work

I apologize. I've just seen so many forums go bad (ones that I can't go to anymore because half the information is incorrect speculation). Somewhere in the back of my head I feel like I NEED to say something now and then to make sure it doesn't happen here too...
Hopefully the Mods will come around and clean this up soon. Sorry about the abrasive response, honestly.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2009, 12:12 PM
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Re: HTC Overclock from 67 on TP seems to work

Before it becomes a chatt room..lol

"dishe" no harm done, really...to everyone else that might make a comment...please no need to...its over

Mods if you want to delete/close go ahead.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2009, 12:27 PM
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Re: HTC Overclock from 67 on TP seems to work

Moved to the general Touch Pro Forum....and closed.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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