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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 01:07 PM
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Unhappy Sprint thirty-day trial period expiring... what to do with Touch Pro?

I'm down to my last week of the Sprint 30-day trial period with my HTC Touch Pro and not completely happy with it, but wondering if the issues I'm experiencing are unique to just my experience or legitimate complaints against the handset. Most are simple, but they're seriously frustrating me and I'm not sure what can resolve this:

Exchange ActiveSync stops after a day or two of synchronization with a HTTP error: Support Code 0x85010013. It seems to be related to the handset accepting or attempting to modify the policy (PIN timeout or Remote Wipe) pushed down from Exchange 2007. Unfortunately I don't have access to my employer's exchange server and can't recommend a hotfix or policy change to attempt to resolve this. There is no remedy to the handset except to hard-reset and reconfigure, which I've done about 4 times already. It may be a known-issue with Exchange 2007 and all WinMo 6.1 phones though.

Poor build construction, vague operation of the D-pad. HTC got 8/10 right on this phone, but the trinket-like build quality gives me some concern for long-term operation. My battery cover is already creaking, the chrome coating on the outside is flaking and the D-pad is very vague or doesn't work at all in some apps, especially when rocking side-to-side. There doesn't seem to be a defined area to push for L-R operation, so I end up hitting the Home or call buttons by mistake at times.

Poor battery life- to be expected; I've applied most of the tweaks available, but could use a few more efficiencies considering I keep the Bluetooth radio enabled and try to maintain an ActiveSync connection throughout the day

If these issues can be remedied, please let me know. At the moment, I'm thinking of just returning it and waiting on another device, maybe the Treo Pro (850) when it's finally available in February.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 01:12 PM
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Re: Sprint thirty-day trial period expiring... what to do with Touch Pro?

I had issues with our exchange server syncing a while back and it turned out to be the security certificates. Our IT guys sent us a new cert and all was well.

I may still have a copy on my PC somewhere.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 01:13 PM
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Re: Sprint thirty-day trial period expiring... what to do with Touch Pro?

I love the pro and have come to several conclusions.
1 almost all problems with my phone have been or will be fixed here on PPCGeeks
2 all smart phones have problems (some more than others)
3 if i switch phones how do i know the one I get wont be worse.

besides the only other phone I would consider going to is the Palm Pre
happy hunting.


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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 01:16 PM
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Re: Sprint thirty-day trial period expiring... what to do with Touch Pro?

all smartphones have problems??? What phone did you have in the past and look at whats out there, the Touch Pro is probably as good as it gets for right now
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 01:17 PM
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Re: Sprint thirty-day trial period expiring... what to do with Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by ClevelandWheeler View Post
I love the pro and have come to several conclusions.
1 almost all problems with my phone have been or will be fixed here on PPCGeeks
2 all smart phones have problems (some more than others)
3 if i switch phones how do i know the one I get wont be worse.

besides the only other phone I would consider going to is the Palm Pre
happy hunting.
I agree with all points and am patiently waiting on the Palm Pre as well. In the meantime, I think the Touch Pro is the most powerful, compact, full-featured WinMo device available. Hardware issues aside, I'm grateful for this community as I believe *IN TIME* most of our issues will be fixed.

My Exchange ActiveSync issue is a bit different, but I'll keep plugging away at it. It makes me wonder if one of the 'tweaks' I've applied is messing with the policy. I'm not using certificates either.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 01:18 PM
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Re: Sprint thirty-day trial period expiring... what to do with Touch Pro?

Originally Posted by rwheeler View Post
all smartphones have problems??? What phone did you have in the past and look at whats out there, the Touch Pro is probably as good as it gets for right now
I don't think my issues with this Touch Pro are to be expected outside of battery life. I'll have to go back to the dark ages with my Treo 700wx if I choose to hold out and wait on a new handset.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 01:27 PM
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Re: Sprint thirty-day trial period expiring... what to do with Touch Pro?

While there is certainly no perfect PPC/phone, the TP comes as close as there is at this time IMHO.

I would exchange that troublesome phone on a new one before giving up however. My boss bought a new TP from BestBuy the first day they where available & it was the biggest POS I have ever seen in my life. That particular one had so many problems I won't even bother to list them all here. He returned it & bought a Blackberry.

I was paranoid to try the TP myself after his experience, but I broke down & bought a Sprint TP off of ebay & activated it on Verizon. I am really glad I did, as mine has absolutely NONE of the problems his did & I am really happy with most aspects of it.

I don't think the video performance is very good & I have a few other complaints that are pretty minor, but there is no other phone available at this time that would suit me bettor.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 02:09 PM
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Re: Sprint thirty-day trial period expiring... what to do with Touch Pro?

left and right d-pad clicks work for me every time... i don't understand why you're having a problem... just click inbetween the home and send key for left..... and inbetween the back and end key for right. easy.

your exchange issue seems more like a problem between your work and windows mobile phones.. not the pro itself.

have you checked to see if you have a build that qualifies for exchange due to chrome chipping?

creaking battery... seems to be the luck of the draw i'm afraid

goodluck making the decision to keep or return.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 02:36 PM
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Re: Sprint thirty-day trial period expiring... what to do with Touch Pro?

Creaking battery cover, put tape on the inside where it's creaking. Put enough and the creak goes away.

Flaking chrome = get replacement phone.

Exchange issue = get your exchange admin to fix it, or go without (unfortunately, its probably their problem).

If you like the Treo that much more, then go back to it.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 02:51 PM
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Re: Sprint thirty-day trial period expiring... what to do with Touch Pro?

I started with the (windows) Treo 600 and ended with the 800 and decided to try the pro. Treo was way more stable but I love my pro. Its unconditional....lol (for better or worse..lol)
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