Can someone please explain the plan change thing to me?Difference between data/vision
I had an Instinct for a few days before I got my Pro, Sprint knew I was doing the exchange but wanted to switch me out with something before my 30 days was up with my old phone, so I switch to the $129.99 data pack with 1500 shared minutes. I just talked to account services about my battery, and the guy told me that within 90 days, they can switch me back to my old plan, which was $79.99 a month for 1400 minutes but I got alot of discounts, now I asked him, whats the difference between the $10 or $15 vision pack and the data, he didn't know. I don't wanna get charged for all of this data usage, I don't get online much anyways, the only thing I would use it for is Yahoo Messenger, Youtube, and sending and receiving pictures. Can anyone explain this to me a little better? And let me know if I would be fine with the vision pack and my old plan vs what I have now?