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Old 01-15-2009, 02:31 PM
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Sprint gave me a TP and sent me a Mogul in the mail

To make long story short, I complained about my Mogul and got Sprint to agree to give me a TP for free, no contracts or strings attached. Since they didn't have the phone in wearhouse to mail to me, I got them to credit my account the price of the TP so I can go to a store and just pick it up, which they did. This was 3 weeks ago and I went to my local Sprint store and picked up the new TP.

They gave me a new TP and never asked me to send back my old Mogul. I'm not complaining. But the funny thing is though, yesterday I receive a package from
Sprint and when I opened the box, to my suprise they sent me a brand new Mogul (not referb) along with an envelope to send back my old Mogul. I'm wondering if I should just send back my old Mogul, keep the new Mogul they sent me and not tell them anything. The only thing though is that I'm worried that since they already gave me a TP for free, that they'll notice that they weren't suppose to send me a new Mogul and might charge my account when they notice.
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Old 01-15-2009, 02:32 PM
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Re: Sprint gave me a TP and sent me a Mogul in the mail

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