I've been having this problem with my sprint data connection since I actived my TP. The phone internet works fine for browsing the internet, however I cannot stream anything right. Pandora and LastFM stream great over Wi-Fi, but on the EV-DO network it craps out, even Opera downloads hang.
This leads me to believe that the connection is intermittently. I have all my signal bars, and on a very good coverage area. I've never had problems streaming with my Touch.
I am almost sure that it is a configuration issue with the phone. Are other ppl having this issue too? And are there some setings I should know about? I am using the stock sprint Rom with the sprint_cleanup cab.
When I tether to my PC, I can browse pages just fine, pretty fast too, but It takes a very long time to accomplished a speed test, and it sometimes hangs. Here's what I get from my PC
I just tried to perform a speed test from the device at mobilespeedtest.com but it's taking way too long, it just hangs there, web pages load just fine though. Any help is appreciated, Thanks