Originally Posted by discipler
First, I'm a newb and this is a newb question. How do I use the search feature that is up there near the top of the page. Each time I try, I get the message that I didn't use enough words or something like that. And when I actually search within a thread, many of the items that come up don't seem to be related to the search. Got any tips for me?
Second, I have the TP and this question is related to the "all people" tab and how I keep losing all of the people I selected. I just recently added 10 or so people, with photos, and a couple of days later they were all gone. All I have at the moment is a big fat option to "add favorite". Can I back up these favorites so that should they disappear again, I can go to the back up?
The word needs to be longer than three letters and less than 5-6 words. Honestly, I find the search feature lacking. I just use google and add +ppcgeeks at the end and it usually yields better results.
When searching within a thread, try going to advanced. There are more options there to search for specific words and what not, maybe that will help when searching within the thread.
I had that happen to me before. I'm not sure why it did that. I do know it hasn't happened to me since doing a hard reset.