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Old 12-22-2008, 02:29 PM
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Touch Pro Services Guide

This guide is intended for Sprint users, but a lot of the things in it are shared between Touch Pros and Windows Mobile devices alone. I make a back up of each service before I disable one, incase functionality is lost, I can just restore the registry export.

Welcome to the Touch Pro Services Guide for Sprint. In this guide you will find various things related to resource usage, startup items, background services, memory usage, and performance of your Touch Pro. This guide is for the pwoer user who is trying to maximize their Touch Pro. As the guide matures, with replies, and experience of those who attempted to remove services, this post will be updated with recommendations as well as any adverse affects when removing any of the items listed here. But for now this is solely my own experience with disabling services. If you are not familiar with Windows Mobile, or are not comfortable with digging around in the Windows registry, I urge you to either pass on this or backup all data before moving forward. However, if you are familiar with Windows Mobile and feel comfortable with editing the Windows registry then I invite you to increase the knowledge of other members with your own experience and help share the information!


There are a few locations that you want to check out:


As far as HKLM\Init and HKLM\Drivers goes, I wouldn't bother messing with this key unless you are on a fresh install and you have time to kill. Disabling some things in there will render your device unbootable until you hard reset, but there are some that you CAN disable, aka delete.

Now for HKLM\Services, this is what I have in mine compared to a fresh install...

BTAGSVC: Bluetooth audio gateway service, for BT headsets. Safe to disable/remove if you don't use bluetooth headsets....

BTHASPLUGIN: Enables your phone to use activesync via bluetooth. Safe to disable/remove if you don't wirelessly sync your phone to a computer via bluetooth, OR if your computer doesn't even have bluetooth. (Note: a blank BTHASPLUGIN key will recreate itself if you remove it, but will not take up any resources.)

credsvc: This is responsible for using Vision Services (Sprint), and maybe internet related activity with other carriers. Disabling/removing this will make your internet not work. Good for people who don't have an internet plan and don't want to risk using internet. (Note: It will display an error message about not being able to connect.)

DTPT: This service is responsible for letting your phone use your computer's connection when you are Synced via USB cable. Disabling/removing this will render your phone unable to use your computer's connection while hooked up to activesync.

EnlargeStartMenu: This service is a part of HTC utilities. It's responsible for making the start menu bigger. Disabling/removing this will revert your start menu to normal size.

GPSConnService: This service is responsible for GPS cache and background GPS operations that makes your GPS operate faster. Disabling/removing this will make GPS run slower. Example: It will take longer to lock onto satellites initially with this disabled.

LASSD: This service is responsible for security and lock features of your phone. Disabling/removing this WILL render your phone unbootable.

NOTIFY: This service is responsible for certain notification types. Disabling/removing this service is NOT recommended. You will more than likely be restoring this key, it will make your phone act really funky.

OBEX: This service is responsible for receiving and possibly sending files over bluetooth. If you don't ever send any files or receive any files using bluetooth, it is safe to Disable/remove this service.

SmartTouch: This service is part of HTC utilities, and is responsible for the touch sensitive part of the touch panel (bottom portion of your phone) and controls things like autofocus in the camera. Disabling/removing this will make autofocus on the camera not work UNTIL you actually snap the photo.

Trusted: This service has 2 DLLs in it and is responsible for "push" activities on your phone. PictureMail will not function correctly if this key is disabled/removed. In other words, you won't receive PictureMail notifications with it disabled.

Windows Live: This service speaks for itself. If you use any windows live related applications, or have a hotmail account registered in your pocket outlook, disabling this will make it not work. (Note: This does not affect the functionality of Live Search. [not the today plugin]) Also, you cannot delete the key, only subkeys.

Here is what I have removed:

App: This service appears to be responsible for task related things. Digging into the key you will find...

I've safely removed this key without any adverse effects.

BTHIDSVC: This service is responsible for bluetooth devices such as keyboards and mice, but have no effect on bluetooth headsets or headphones. Removing this if you use a bluetooth keyboard for your phone will probably make it not work. Other than that it is safe to remove.

CERTENROLL: This service may be responsible for exchange server certificates, VPNs, or some other sort of certificate enrollment. This does not effect the internet, websites, or program installation.

HTCAP: This service appears to be responsible for some of HTC's applications. However, I have disabled it and have not noticed anything not working. TF3D, Manila and YouTube all seem to operate just fine.

HtcServices: This service appears to be responsible for some of HTC's background tasks. However, I have disabled it and have not noticed anything not working. TF3D, Manila and YouTube all seem to operate just fine.

LargeTitleBar: This service is responsible for replacing the standard "notification bar" of windows mobile with HTC's more finger friendly bar. If you've noticed that tapping on icons brings up a new finger friendly notification screen, it's this service.

LaunchOMC: After a lot of resarch i've concluded that this service is responsible for the Update PRL and Update Profile features that are on Sprint Touch Pros.

PhoneExt: This service is responsible for various error messages related to the internet and your phone's radio. Also, is responsible for ## codes.

Power: This service appears to be related to relaying information to programs about the phone's current power state. However, i've disabled this service without any loss in functionality. Example: the light sensor still works.

SMSRetry: This service is responsible for error messages related to SMS messages while out of coverage area or roaming and will attempt to try and resend the message when in coverage area.

SNApi: After a lot of research, i've concluded that this service is responsible for handling a special set of API calls that a developer can use. But I have not ran into a program that needed this yet.

SoftwareDisable: This service appears to be responsible for corporate envorinments where a network administrator can disable certain software from running on your device.

SWMGMTSERVICE: This service appears to be directly related to the srevice above it.

USSD: This registry key is empty on my device, and appears to be related to GSM networks and calling features of some sort.

Next section will be about HKCU/Software/HTC/Bootlauncher.


Last edited by freeza; 12-22-2008 at 02:44 PM.
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Old 12-22-2008, 02:31 PM
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Touch Pro Services Guide part II

We all know that recent HTC phones have been designed to directly compete with the iPhone. However, this does not change the fact that it is Windows Mobile under the hood, and that's like trying to bring a 1980s car up to 2000s standards and features. Sure you can add the navigation to it if you wanted to, but honestly, it won't look pretty, nor will it operate like a champ. This is why our phones still feell sluggish. The more features HTC adds to our phone to compete with the iPhone, the more resources it takes, and the more sluggish it'll feel. We've got plenty of RAM, but performance wise, we're sort of lacking. Part II focuses on HTC services and apps that startup and what is safe to delete.

We start off with HKCU\Software\HTC\Bootlauncher\Apps

These are various apps that startup with your phone per HTC's request. Again I'm starting with what I have in mine compared to stock.

SIP_Menu: This app is responsible for the finger friendly SIP selector that you get instead of the ugly default Windows Mobile one. If you don't care or it, you can safely remove it.

Startkey: This app is responsible for making sure the HTC SIP package is set to default instead of the ugly Windows Mobile keyboard. If you use some other SIP and wish to disable this, it's safe.

Here's what I deleted:

AutoShortcut: Research leads me to believe this is responsible for first boot activities, maybe when customizations run, this is responsible for some things going on.

Opera9: This is responsible for "pre loading" opera into memory so that if you launch it later, it starts up faster.

TMail: Why HTC wanted tmail.exe (pocket outlook, text messaging) to start in the background is beyond me. My disabling this has not affected anything.

Now we move on to HKCU\Software\HTC\Bootlauncher\Services

Here's what I have:

HTCAPM: Research leads me to believe this is some sort of Power Management service that HTC has developed. Hey, anything to save battery life. Disabling it should have no adverse effect, but I've decided to leave it in just incase it actually does do something to preserve battery life.

QuickGPS: This is responsible for launching the Quick GPS app in the background at certain intervals to update it's cache so that your GPS can lock on to satellites faster.
What I have disabled:

HTCSENSOR: This is responsible for controlling the Accelerometer. Don't get me wrong, the accelerometer is an awesome feature, but until there's more programs that utilize it, i've decided not to bother. (Note: disabling this will cause teeter not to work as well as opera to not auto rotate and if you use the HTC dialer, you will no longer be able to flip your phone over to mute ringer. Basically anything that relies on the accelerometer to function will no longer work. This does NOT affect the light sensor.)

HTCUSBtoPCPopUp: This is responsible for displaying the dialog when you connect your phone to a computer if you want to connect with activesync or use the phone as a disk storage device. I almost always connect my phone to activesync as disk storage mode doesn't let you copy files to the phone, only the MicroSD card. So i've disabled it.

HTCVOLUME: This is responsible for the pretty volume control screen you see when you use the volume up/volume down arrows on your phone. I use the stock Windows Mobile dialer and S2U2's volume control thus making this useless.

OutlookEnhancement: This is responsible for the "reply all" problem everyone seems to dislike about replying to emails. Disable this and you will get the old reply back.

TaskManager: This is responsible for launching/displaying the HTC task manager in the top right corner of your phone. I use AEButton Plus and SPB Pocket Plus instead.
That covers part II. Stay tuned for part III.

Last edited by freeza; 12-23-2008 at 01:01 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2008, 02:31 PM
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Touch Pro Services Guide part III

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Old 12-22-2008, 02:34 PM
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Touch Pro Services Guide part IV

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Old 12-22-2008, 10:06 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Services Guide

great info thanks for taking the time to do this

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2008, 10:11 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Services Guide

Thanks for the info. I will definitely play around with this.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2008, 01:01 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Services Guide

part II is up.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2009, 12:04 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Services Guide

what about the 6 digit pass code you need after you put in ## code? anyone???
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Old 01-13-2010, 11:53 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Services Guide

Kind of embarrassing to have waited a year to give you your much needed Kudos for this brilliant thread! Just got my Touch Pro 2, and am again referring to this post to get rid of some of these memory hogging services, many of which are in my TP2.

Thanks for your hard work on this, you've saved me so much time (I discovered this post in Feb of 09).
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2010, 01:03 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Services Guide

I cant believe i NEVER saw this in the first place! Must have been buried a LONG way off. Ill be revisiting once i get a TP back...
Its funny, at least 35 threads a day are people who tried to flash and messed up, or wonder why in the middle of the night their phone up and did a hard reset by 'itself'.
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