Noob: Dumping Rom
I am pretty new to the whole Windows mobile enviroment. I got the VZW TP about 2 weeks ago and been runing with it stock. I am looking at wanting to unlock it this weekend and start building my own ROM's and trying out others ROM's. However before I start on this process i was wondering if there was a good way to backup my defualt ROM. So far all I for relocking and what not is the pre-release Leaked ROM. Is there going to be a released ROM dump or is this something I can do, is there a program out there that would DUMP my current ROM/Radio or anything. I've tried searching the Fourms but haven't had any luck. Also my last question is with PPCKitchen what's everyone's thought on that kitchen for cooking ROMS and is there a cheatsheet or anything the explains the pro's/con's of all the options?
Thanks for any help and please no flames this is my first post.