For kicks, I installed ScanLife. Not that I needed it, but just wanted to play with it. I installed it a while back, so it's been on my device for a while and is in all my recent backups.
Anyway, I played with it some a while back and could not get it to scan any ScanLife codes. I played with it again last night and still could not get it to scan ScanLife codes. I tried the "update" option in the program and that didn't help it work any better.
Finding it useless, I've been trying to uninstall it. But it leaves a "Get ScanLife" icon in my Programs menu. Will removing that icon after uninstall totally do away with ScanLife? I want it totally off, but seeing the "Get ScanLife" icon after uninstalling makes me wonder if there's more to getting it totally off than removing the left behind "Get ScanLife" icon...
They should not dump icons on my device during UNINSTALL!!!