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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2008, 09:41 AM
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Best Way to Get a Sprint TP For Use on Verizon?

Two questions....

1) What's the best (read: cheapest) way to go about buying a Sprint Touch Pro to then use on Verizon? Ebay? Or maybe get Sprint for a month or two and then pay the contract termination fee (getting the TP contract pricing in the process)? Some other route?

2) What's the best way to get Verizon service without them getting pissy about the phone? I presume I need to get some kind of phone from them when I initiate service. Maybe I just order all the service features I need and get their crappy $10 PN-820 WinMo 5 phone initially?

For more background on my situation:

I've skimmed through the excellent thread on how make a Sprint (read: ungimped) Touch Pro work on Verizon's network, and I think I can handle doing that using info already posted.

But I currently have AT&T. Though their HSPA coverage is good where I work, I can never get much more than ~600kps, and the coverage is spotty at best where I live and play.

So I want to try Verizon's network for coverage and speed, and I want to do it with a Sprint Touch Pro. I may do a trial run w/ a Verizon phone for a bit, but if the service measures up, I definitely eventually want a Sprint TP.

Thanks in advance for any good thoughts...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2008, 09:45 AM
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Re: Best Way to Get a Sprint TP For Use on Verizon?

Originally Posted by dsmason807 View Post
Two questions....

1) What's the best (read: cheapest) way to go about buying a Sprint Touch Pro to then use on Verizon? Ebay? Or maybe get Sprint for a month or two and then pay the contract termination fee (getting the TP contract pricing in the process)? Some other route?

2) What's the best way to get Verizon service without them getting pissy about the phone? I presume I need to get some kind of phone from them when I initiate service. Maybe I just order all the service features I need and get their crappy $10 PN-820 WinMo 5 phone initially?

Thanks in advance for any good thoughts...
I too thought about going with sprint for a little while and canceling to get contract pricing, but I have a funny feeling that it would end up being expensive still.

As far as #2 I'd just take whatever "free" phone they offer, then if you successfully get the sprint TP ESN on the VZW network, just swtich it yourself online.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2008, 10:23 AM
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Re: Best Way to Get a Sprint TP For Use on Verizon?

Why would you not just get sprint verizon is an over-priced waste of money of a service. My buddy was one of those stuck on verizon people he recently switched to sprint and is now die hard sprint. verizon is just a waste of money the service isnt all that great customer service is horrible, and there phones are cropped and gimped compared to sprint. plus unlimited data plans are so cheap with sprint and they are the industry leader in data. So why not try sprint for the 30 days you wont look back.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2008, 10:39 AM
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Re: Best Way to Get a Sprint TP For Use on Verizon?

I too am going to buy a Sprint phone and bring it to Verizon. I already have a contract, get about 3000 minutes a month for free because have a bunch of friends and family in network, and like Verizon's service. This is what I would recommend to pove the phone over:

1. Buy a plan and get the free phone. They work the money you save on a free phone into the monthly charge already, so you might as well get the free phone and make some money by selling it on Ebay.

2. There is another post in the Touch Pro forum that tells you how to move the phone over. It is not a simple task, but it seems to be working for most people.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2008, 10:49 AM
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Re: Best Way to Get a Sprint TP For Use on Verizon?

honestly, you should just save a huge hassel and switch to sprint.. i sell all carriers and im telling you from an experienced standpoint that you wont be disappointed at all.. you will get just as good service with a lot cheaper plans.. and on top of the fact that you have a legit touchpro.. you will have a monster data speeds to where it can perform to its fullest compared to the dimmed down verizon rev A (not bashing, simply stating facts.. look it up). you got 30 days in which you can return the phone anyway, so i would use that time trial and see how it works for ya.. im pretty positive you will be more than satisfied with the service and end up sticking with sprint.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2008, 11:52 AM
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Re: Best Way to Get a Sprint TP For Use on Verizon?

Originally Posted by blue4shizzle View Post
honestly, you should just save a huge hassel and switch to sprint.. i sell all carriers and im telling you from an experienced standpoint that you wont be disappointed at all.. you will get just as good service with a lot cheaper plans.. and on top of the fact that you have a legit touchpro.. you will have a monster data speeds to where it can perform to its fullest compared to the dimmed down verizon rev A (not bashing, simply stating facts.. look it up). you got 30 days in which you can return the phone anyway, so i would use that time trial and see how it works for ya.. im pretty positive you will be more than satisfied with the service and end up sticking with sprint.
Historically (admittedly 4+ years ago) I've had horrible experiences with Sprint's coverage, both for voice and data -- it's fantastic where you've got it, but unless I was in a major metro area all the time, it just didn't hold up.

I live and hang out in the distant suburbs of DC (I'm on the very edge of AT&T's 3G coverage), and I travel to small-ish cities a lot for my job -- which offers Sprint blackberries to employees and gets complaints constantly from those who travel. Based on eyeballing coverage maps of all three carriers, Verizon seems to have more EVDO coverage than Sprint in outer suburbs and smaller cities.

Do you disagree?

Also, what did you mean by "dimmed down verizon rev A"? Are the two networks not running at the same speeds? I thought Rev A was Rev A?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2008, 11:54 AM
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Re: Best Way to Get a Sprint TP For Use on Verizon?

I see that at the moment, both Sprint and Verizon have no Touch Pros in stock on their websites...so I might be waiting a bit regardless.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2008, 12:06 PM
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Re: Best Way to Get a Sprint TP For Use on Verizon?

Ebay + MS Cashback is the way to go.

I'm a VZW customer and the VZW TP on a 2yr contract price, with my New Every 2 discount AND the $70 mail in rebate.... was just $20 less than what I paid for a Sprint TP on Ebay lol.

VZW's pricing is a joke.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2008, 08:32 PM
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Re: Best Way to Get a Sprint TP For Use on Verizon?

Hell... I am going to wait some to see where VZW goes with the pathetic pricing, especially with the economy the way it is...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2008, 08:37 PM
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Re: Best Way to Get a Sprint TP For Use on Verizon?

Originally Posted by mugsy77 View Post
Hell... I am going to wait some to see where VZW goes with the pathetic pricing, especially with the economy the way it is...

I'll tell you where they'll go.... UP lollololololloollol
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