Monila files...and 2 questions
I got the background on all my tabs now, slider centered, everything looking I have 2 things I want to change.
1 - How can I change the phones default font (which is a bluish color) to white??
2 - Which manila files control the MSG tab, the weather tab, and the settings tab? With my background its hard for me to see the things on those tabs(the default font is not helping at all here) and I would like to change those manila files...or just delete them and let the factory ones populate in from my rom. Does anyone know or have a breakdown somewhere of which file controls which tab?
Really if I could change the font color on my msg tab, weather tab, settings tab, etc......I would only change the MSG tab's background image back to default...makes the messages much easier to read.
Thanks for your help!
Last edited by igotgame; 11-26-2008 at 05:55 PM.