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  #151 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 03:28 AM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

The Battery Log program has been updated and you can find it here (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...382#post511382)

The new version also includes a Benchmark test which places the phone in a known state and then performs a 5 minute data download as a warmup, then makes a 20 minute phone call (actually 2 separate 10 min ones) to TELLME. After the calls are finished, a final report is generated (see below) which includes time that the AC adapter was connected, AND the time that WinMo reports that the phone was charging during the test.

BattLog Power Usage Benchmark
Average Signal (1xRTT):............84.04984
Average Voltage:...................3
Peak Current:....................522
Average Current:.................156.6845
Total Power usage (mAH):.........12.99189
Total Power (WH):................3.24797142763281
Peak Battery Temp (deg C):.......30
Average Battery Temp (deg C):....29.71932
Peak Current:....................624
Average Current:.................367.714
Total Power usage (mAH):.........128.5391
Total Power (WH):................128.539064904881
Peak Battery Temp (deg C):.........30
Average Battery Temp (deg C):....30

Charger Connected:.................0
Time Charging:.....................0
Estimated data time (H)............8.552218
Estimated Talk time (H):...........3.644137
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  #152 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 10:20 AM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Interesting thread. I've only had my TP a few days, so am still tweaking and finding things to turn off. I had a PPC6700 for a couple of years before this, so am somewhat used to WinMo/PDA usage. So far, I love the TP, but hate the drastically reduced battery life. Stock batteries in each unit. I cannot get through the day with just a few 5-10 minute phone calls and maybe a couple of text messages. No TV, GPS, BT, etc. Kind of afraid to use them much given the battery life from just making a few calls. But I just turned the GPS location off after reading about it above, which I also did in my 6700. So maybe that will make a big difference (I hope). I've done all the other reg hacks and turning things off that I've read about to this point, and I don't use push email. Kind of frustrating at this point.

No real heat issues with the TP, but it does get a little warm at times. So did the 6700, though.
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  #153 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 12:51 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

I think we're getting to the point that battery life is improving. Especially with custom ROM's

I managed to get an extra battery from my Sprint store for free. They just went back and brought one out.
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  #154 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 01:21 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by jejb View Post
Interesting thread. I've only had my TP a few days, so am still tweaking and finding things to turn off. I had a PPC6700 for a couple of years before this, so am somewhat used to WinMo/PDA usage. So far, I love the TP, but hate the drastically reduced battery life. Stock batteries in each unit. I cannot get through the day with just a few 5-10 minute phone calls and maybe a couple of text messages. No TV, GPS, BT, etc. Kind of afraid to use them much given the battery life from just making a few calls. But I just turned the GPS location off after reading about it above, which I also did in my 6700. So maybe that will make a big difference (I hope). I've done all the other reg hacks and turning things off that I've read about to this point, and I don't use push email. Kind of frustrating at this point.

No real heat issues with the TP, but it does get a little warm at times. So did the 6700, though.
That sounds like a battery issue, and not the same that people are talking about in general. I would take it to the store you bought it from, and ask for another battery. Not being able to make a few phone calls, indicates a battery problem, IMO. Even with no programs running, and no other radio usage, you should still get more than what you are getting. Did you fully charge it out-of-the box?

Has anyone looked into that, to see if that is a common characteristic for battery problems?
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  #155 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 02:53 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Yes, I fully charged it prior to first use. And it gets to 100% charge on the provided wall charger. Maybe I'll try a hard reset to see if that makes any difference. I have a full backup on SPB, so no worries on losing anything.

If that doesn't work, I guess it's back to BestBuy for another battery or replacement phone. The battery life on this one is really, really poor. Ironically, that's why I replaced the 6700. The battery would not hold a charge anymore, and I wasn't sure if it was the battery or the phone after 2 years, so used it as excuse to upgrade.
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  #156 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 05:48 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by jejb View Post
Yes, I fully charged it prior to first use. And it gets to 100% charge on the provided wall charger. Maybe I'll try a hard reset to see if that makes any difference. I have a full backup on SPB, so no worries on losing anything.

If that doesn't work, I guess it's back to BestBuy for another battery or replacement phone. The battery life on this one is really, really poor. Ironically, that's why I replaced the 6700. The battery would not hold a charge anymore, and I wasn't sure if it was the battery or the phone after 2 years, so used it as excuse to upgrade.
Actually, we are in the same boat about that 6700 issue. My battery stopped holding a charge, as well. It won't even allow the phone radio to be on for more than 10 min. (As in, I am not on a call, but it is connected.) before completely dying. So, I am anxious to be able to get the Touch Pro, because I know anything is better than what I have now. Even if I have to, I will purchase an extended battery, since the 6700 battery never seemed to last long enough, anyways.
Strange how that battery just "stopped" holding a charge...
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  #157 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 07:04 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by Palladium View Post
The Battery Log program has been updated and you can find it here (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...382#post511382)

The new version also includes a Benchmark test which places the phone in a known state and then performs a 5 minute data download as a warmup, then makes a 20 minute phone call (actually 2 separate 10 min ones) to TELLME. After the calls are finished, a final report is generated (see below) which includes time that the AC adapter was connected, AND the time that WinMo reports that the phone was charging during the test.

BattLog Power Usage Benchmark
Average Signal (1xRTT):............84.04984
Average Voltage:...................3
Peak Current:....................522
Average Current:.................156.6845
Total Power usage (mAH):.........12.99189
Total Power (WH):................3.24797142763281
Peak Battery Temp (deg C):.......30
Average Battery Temp (deg C):....29.71932
Peak Current:....................624
Average Current:.................367.714
Total Power usage (mAH):.........128.5391
Total Power (WH):................128.539064904881
Peak Battery Temp (deg C):.........30
Average Battery Temp (deg C):....30

Charger Connected:.................0
Time Charging:.....................0
Estimated data time (H)............8.552218
Estimated Talk time (H):...........3.644137
Damn, just need to get .net framework
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  #158 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 09:42 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Maybe I'll try a hard reset to see if that makes any difference. I have a full backup on SPB, so no worries on losing anything.
That didn't work. Turned my TP into a brick. Hard reset worked, but could only get it to work from the 'clear memory' method. None of the combo's of button pushing worked to reset. SPB restore seemed to run correctly, but now it's asking me for a password and won't accept the only one I ever gave it. Grrr. I'll have to search and maybe start another thread for this one.

EDIT: Removing and replacing battery let me do a 3 finger hard reset. Whew. Used a one day older SPB backup and that worked okay. So not too much loss, but a little disappointed in the SPB product at this point.

Last edited by jejb; 11-27-2008 at 10:38 PM.
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  #159 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2008, 10:54 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Well, coming up on three weeks with my Touch Pro... While I have no problem with battery life, I have a major problem with the heat/charging issue. The unit actually doesn't need to get terribly hot for charging to cut off, it seems related to the specific area of the phone that gets hot. It's not really the battery getting hot, but the area above it.

Anyway if I stream video of any type, the battery will stop charging within about 15 mins. If I stream audio + use bluetooth + leave the screen on, the battery stops charging within an hour or so, even though the unit only gets warm overall. If I shut the screen off with streaming audio + bluetooth, charging usually stays active but it's right at the edge.

I'm coming from a 6700 which I would use to do the same things, which would get hot but would never stop charging. It would seem that it might be possible to make the thermal cutoff a little more generous, but I don't know how safe that is.
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  #160 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2008, 10:06 AM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
Damn, just need to get .net framework
Scrap, if you can't find it, I put a link in the batt log post....
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