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Old 11-27-2008, 10:54 PM
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Re: A little tough Love about battery issues.

Well, coming up on three weeks with my Touch Pro... While I have no problem with battery life, I have a major problem with the heat/charging issue. The unit actually doesn't need to get terribly hot for charging to cut off, it seems related to the specific area of the phone that gets hot. It's not really the battery getting hot, but the area above it.

Anyway if I stream video of any type, the battery will stop charging within about 15 mins. If I stream audio + use bluetooth + leave the screen on, the battery stops charging within an hour or so, even though the unit only gets warm overall. If I shut the screen off with streaming audio + bluetooth, charging usually stays active but it's right at the edge.

I'm coming from a 6700 which I would use to do the same things, which would get hot but would never stop charging. It would seem that it might be possible to make the thermal cutoff a little more generous, but I don't know how safe that is.
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