veritcal / horizontal screen alignment/calibration
Ok, so when you go to settings->system->screen you can recalibrate/align the screen. it has both a horizontal and veritcal option, seemingly to calibrate the screen for both uses.
however, it seems like whichever calibration i do, if i do vertical alignment, the settings for that calibration are set for both landscape and portrait, and visa-versa. if i do a veritcal calibration, everything is great in portrait mode but in landscape mode it's mis-aligned
if i calibrate it in landscape mode, everything is perfect in landscape mode but when i switch back to portrait mode its like the original veritcal alignment never happened and its all out of alignment
it seems like i cant get the seperate alignments to stick, and that when i do the screen calibration, it uses either the vertical or horizontal (whichever one im doing at the time) for both landscape and portrait mode, so i can get one of them perfect at a time, but not the other
anyone else have this issue or have any suggestions?