Touch Pro Buying Tips Anyone?
I'm going to buy a Touch Pro this weekend. Here's some details:
I am currently on a Sprint Family Share Plan with a friend of mine. Both of our lines are out of contract, and eligible for upgrade. My friend can't afford a new phone right now. The plan is in his name. At this point, I can get my own plan no problem, but I want to keep my number.
I spoke with a guy at the local Sprint store, and he said I could get a Transfer of Liability for my line onto my own account, then upgrade the line. My other option is to get my friend to upgrade just my line, and sign another contract.
I know some people have mentioned getting a $70 credit for renewing.
Some people have also mentioned Best Buy giving the rebate instantly instead of a MIR. That's also attractive.
I hadly use my Anytime minutes, so I am not worried about those at all. I just want to get the cheapest unlimited data/text plan I can, with the lowest minutes. I looked into the SERO plan, and they have a 500 minute Everything Data plan for 59.99/mo. If I go that route, though, I have to order from the website, lose the $70 credit (and the $50 credit for canceling the order then continuing with it.) I'm also not sure if I could keep my number that way.
Any suggestions on what I should do? My friend is not the most reliable guy, and I want my own plan now. But one way other another, I am definitely getting this phone! My old Apache (6700) has had it.