Re: Anyway to get vision.sprintpcs.com to work properly?
Bump....anybody???...i tried to search the subject, found nothing to answer it properly...
Re: Anyway to get vision.sprintpcs.com to work properly?
I believe the only way to do this is to either change your agent ID String for your browser to one of a "Dumbphone" or Sprint would have to enable our phones to access vision.spcs.com on their end. I could be wrong though.
Re: Anyway to get vision.sprintpcs.com to work properly?
I don't think it'll work because pocket pcs haven't been given access to those things in the past without some type of proxy setting that makes the browser look like it didn't coming from a ppc
but call tones aren't available for pocket pcs. I did notice there's a content manager in programs so maybe something is coming |
Re: Anyway to get vision.sprintpcs.com to work properly?
Where's that content manager thingy in programs....looked, but could'nt find anything...
also, call tones work for mine...and you can adjust/purchase content on sprint.com/digitallounge on a pc...but sometimes it acts wierd or might make you purchase the wrong item...(happened to me twice) |