Softkey and/or Hardware Keyboard Mods...
Does anyone know how to turn off the large softkey menus? I want my old small menus back - these things are gigantic, and block half the screen when there are more than a few options available to select, and I always just use the 5-way to select them anyway. I mean, I want to go from the large font softkey menus of the Touch Pro/Diamond back to the small font softkey menus of the Mogul/Touch/etc ad nauseum.
Like, how you can turn the large font start menu off in Settings -> System -> TouchFLO -> Enable Large Start Menu.
I just want an option that does the same thing for the softkey menus.
As to the hardware keys...why oh why did HTC make it so I have to hit FN to get !@#$%^&*()_+ ???
There is a SHIFT key on the keyboard, and every desktop keyboard uses SHIFT to get those symbols. Is there any way to make a registry change that causes SHIFT to get me symbols instead of FN? I'm sure I can train myself to do it this way, given time. But, given I'm already doing it properly, I was hoping I could just make a registry key change or something.
Last edited by Ezrem; 10-27-2008 at 03:36 PM.