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  #911 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 03:22 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

If your battery is full and it drains within a few hours of doing nothing, you probably had a process that was stuck in a loop using up your CPU cycles. Generally when this happens, your phone will be incredibly hot.

Soft resets will fix the problem, but it sucks because you're not expecting your phone to be dead within 2 hours. And if you need it after then, you're screwed.
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  #912 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 10:24 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

I posted this in the CDMA Upgrades : radio post, but figured I'd post it here, too, since I don't know if anyone here would read that.

Anyway, I had switched to the Telus 1.04 radio a week or so ago (along with other changes I've made since originally configuring my TP...but I'm basically on the factory setup right now, other than the radio change) and I am watching the Senior Bowl on the NFL network streaming on Sprint. I started with ~20%, and my battery has fully charged, while I've been streaming the entire time. It took ~ 2 hours, but it never stopped charging from overheating, and it didn't seem to get particularly hot (though did get warm, but that's to be expected from any electronic device). I didn't even need to keep the keyboard open (though for the first half I did have the battery cover off).

Previously, when using Sprint Nav (which still might cause problems, since it uses a seemingly constant data connection PLUS GPS) I would never be able to charge without it overheating and stopping charging. When I get the chance I'll try to test out Sprint Nav + charging.
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  #913 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 10:33 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

anonymatt, keep us posted. i'm waiting on a replacement and my old one would die after 2 hrs. of navi and i couldn't charge it.
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  #914 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 01:19 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

is there a chance you could use one of the programs that monitor power consumption and post your results with the new radio? It may give us something to compare to.
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  #915 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 05:58 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Well, this is kinda fun. I've got a little mortscript that logs to a server whenever there is activity on my phone, and I've got GPSToday doing hourly fixes - the fix timestamp is in the (gps xxx) part. This is some data from today (Off charger @ 7:20 or so) - very light use, no calls, one txt in and out, but bluetooth on for the drive to & from church...

: (away 2009-01-25 13:10:50) running Start | , location: 37.311210430000, -121.985843100000 (gps 2009-01-25T13:10:52), Bat: 77
: (here 2009-01-25 13:10:37) running Start | , location: 37.311210000000, -121.985843660000 (gps 2009-01-25T13:10:48), Bat: 77
: (away 2009-01-25 13:10:25), location: 37.311229860000, -121.985831420000 (gps 2009-01-25T13:09:32), Bat: 100
: (here 2009-01-25 13:08:59), location: 37.311011220000, -121.985887010000 (gps 2009-01-25T12:09:14), Bat: 79
: (here 2009-01-25 12:32:48) running Start | , location: 37.311011220000, -121.985887010000 (gps 2009-01-25T12:09:14), Bat: 80
: (here 2009-01-25 11:40:31) running Start | , location: 37.285182730000, -121.948809470000 (gps 2009-01-25T11:04:02), Bat: 85
: (here 2009-01-25 11:40:20), location: 37.285182730000, -121.948809470000 (gps 2009-01-25T11:04:02), Bat: 85
: (here 2009-01-25 11:07:36) running Start | , location: 37.285182730000, -121.948809470000 (gps 2009-01-25T11:04:02), Bat: 86
: (away 2009-01-25 11:03:45), location: 37.285164310000, -121.948804940000 (gps 2009-01-25T11:03:56), Bat: 86
: (away 2009-01-25 11:03:35), location: 37.285314970000, -121.948770440000 (gps 2009-01-25T11:02:54), Bat: 86
: (here 2009-01-25 11:02:00), location: 37.285259890000, -121.948707970000 (gps 2009-01-25T10:02:46), Bat: 86
: (here 2009-01-25 11:01:49) running Home | , location: 37.285259890000, -121.948707970000 (gps 2009-01-25T10:02:46), Bat: 86
: (away 2009-01-25 10:02:37) running Start | , location: 37.285259890000, -121.948707970000 (gps 2009-01-25T10:02:46), Bat: 90
: (away 2009-01-25 10:02:27) running Start | , location: 37.285252150000, -121.948717370000 (gps 2009-01-25T10:02:40), Bat: 90
: (here 2009-01-25 09:22:29) running Start | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 91
: (here 2009-01-25 09:22:08) running Home | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 91
: (here 2009-01-25 09:03:58) running Start | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 09:03:47) running Text Messages | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 09:03:28) running 35/160 | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 09:03:18) running 17/160 | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 09:03:06) running Text Messages | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 09:02:45) running Start | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 09:01:06) running Home | , location: 37.285201180000, -121.948996500000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:18), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 08:01:55) running Start | , location: 37.311206230000, -121.985882570000 (gps 2009-01-25T05:57:22), Bat: 96
: (here 2009-01-25 08:00:57) running Home | , location: 37.311206230000, -121.985882570000 (gps 2009-01-25T05:57:22), Bat: 96
: (here 2009-01-25 07:30:14) running Start | , location: 37.311206230000, -121.985882570000 (gps 2009-01-25T05:57:22), Bat: 98
: (here 2009-01-25 07:30:04), location: 37.311206230000, -121.985882570000 (gps 2009-01-25T05:57:22), Bat: 98
: (here 2009-01-25 07:03:51) running Start | , location: 37.311206230000, -121.985882570000 (gps 2009-01-25T05:57:22), Bat: 100
Top is most recent, bottom is start of log @ 7am. So from 7- 1 I got a couple email checks, a txt in and out, and 5 GPS fixes. Battery is at 77% after 6 hours. If it was burning 2%/hour it should be at 88%, so it's closer to 4%/hour with 1 GPS fix and some bluetooth per hour.

Still not HORRIBLE. No idea why that one Bat was reported as 100 - I have seen that coming out of sleep before in winmo if you read the battery too soon...

And now you know where my home & church are
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  #916 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 06:47 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Originally Posted by z28marols1 View Post
is there a chance you could use one of the programs that monitor power consumption and post your results with the new radio? It may give us something to compare to.
I did a test on the Verizon XV6850 (HTC TouchPro) using 3 different radios under identical conditions. The results were almost identical.

Full details can be seen at


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  #917 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 11:01 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Originally Posted by schettj View Post
Well, this is kinda fun. I've got a little mortscript that logs to a server whenever there is activity on my phone, and I've got GPSToday doing hourly fixes - the fix timestamp is in the (gps xxx) part. This is some data from today (Off charger @ 7:20 or so) - very light use, no calls, one txt in and out, but bluetooth on for the drive to & from church...

: (away 2009-01-25 13:10:50) running Start | , location: 37.311210430000, -121.985843100000 (gps 2009-01-25T13:10:52), Bat: 77
: (here 2009-01-25 13:10:37) running Start | , location: 37.311210000000, -121.985843660000 (gps 2009-01-25T13:10:48), Bat: 77
: (away 2009-01-25 13:10:25), location: 37.311229860000, -121.985831420000 (gps 2009-01-25T13:09:32), Bat: 100
: (here 2009-01-25 13:08:59), location: 37.311011220000, -121.985887010000 (gps 2009-01-25T12:09:14), Bat: 79
: (here 2009-01-25 12:32:48) running Start | , location: 37.311011220000, -121.985887010000 (gps 2009-01-25T12:09:14), Bat: 80
: (here 2009-01-25 11:40:31) running Start | , location: 37.285182730000, -121.948809470000 (gps 2009-01-25T11:04:02), Bat: 85
: (here 2009-01-25 11:40:20), location: 37.285182730000, -121.948809470000 (gps 2009-01-25T11:04:02), Bat: 85
: (here 2009-01-25 11:07:36) running Start | , location: 37.285182730000, -121.948809470000 (gps 2009-01-25T11:04:02), Bat: 86
: (away 2009-01-25 11:03:45), location: 37.285164310000, -121.948804940000 (gps 2009-01-25T11:03:56), Bat: 86
: (away 2009-01-25 11:03:35), location: 37.285314970000, -121.948770440000 (gps 2009-01-25T11:02:54), Bat: 86
: (here 2009-01-25 11:02:00), location: 37.285259890000, -121.948707970000 (gps 2009-01-25T10:02:46), Bat: 86
: (here 2009-01-25 11:01:49) running Home | , location: 37.285259890000, -121.948707970000 (gps 2009-01-25T10:02:46), Bat: 86
: (away 2009-01-25 10:02:37) running Start | , location: 37.285259890000, -121.948707970000 (gps 2009-01-25T10:02:46), Bat: 90
: (away 2009-01-25 10:02:27) running Start | , location: 37.285252150000, -121.948717370000 (gps 2009-01-25T10:02:40), Bat: 90
: (here 2009-01-25 09:22:29) running Start | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 91
: (here 2009-01-25 09:22:08) running Home | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 91
: (here 2009-01-25 09:03:58) running Start | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 09:03:47) running Text Messages | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 09:03:28) running 35/160 | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 09:03:18) running 17/160 | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 09:03:06) running Text Messages | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 09:02:45) running Start | , location: 37.285249920000, -121.948927170000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:26), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 09:01:06) running Home | , location: 37.285201180000, -121.948996500000 (gps 2009-01-25T09:01:18), Bat: 92
: (here 2009-01-25 08:01:55) running Start | , location: 37.311206230000, -121.985882570000 (gps 2009-01-25T05:57:22), Bat: 96
: (here 2009-01-25 08:00:57) running Home | , location: 37.311206230000, -121.985882570000 (gps 2009-01-25T05:57:22), Bat: 96
: (here 2009-01-25 07:30:14) running Start | , location: 37.311206230000, -121.985882570000 (gps 2009-01-25T05:57:22), Bat: 98
: (here 2009-01-25 07:30:04), location: 37.311206230000, -121.985882570000 (gps 2009-01-25T05:57:22), Bat: 98
: (here 2009-01-25 07:03:51) running Start | , location: 37.311206230000, -121.985882570000 (gps 2009-01-25T05:57:22), Bat: 100
Top is most recent, bottom is start of log @ 7am. So from 7- 1 I got a couple email checks, a txt in and out, and 5 GPS fixes. Battery is at 77% after 6 hours. If it was burning 2%/hour it should be at 88%, so it's closer to 4%/hour with 1 GPS fix and some bluetooth per hour.

Still not HORRIBLE. No idea why that one Bat was reported as 100 - I have seen that coming out of sleep before in winmo if you read the battery too soon...

And now you know where my home & church are
You live on Cherrywood Drive?

GPS iss scaaarry!
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  #918 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 11:32 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
You live on Cherrywood Drive?

GPS iss scaaarry!
This, my friends, is exactly why you shouldn't post your coordinates online!
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  #919 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 01:19 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
You live on Cherrywood Drive?

GPS iss scaaarry!
Yeah, well you can get my address off my dns registration, so its hardly a secret.
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  #920 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 03:33 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

My battery life is better than my Mogul ever was. I have multiple e-mail accounts synced that update every five minutes. I never turn off the data connection. I text alot every day. I usually use the internet a few hours a day on my phone with some youtube. My battery lasts all day long and I charge it every night. With my Mogul I had to turn off the data connection when I was done. I never synced my e-mail. I texted the same amount as now. I would only surf the web an hour if that. I couldn't go a whole day without the battery dying.
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