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  #821 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2009, 09:49 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Originally Posted by mxl180 View Post
DO NO do the data disconnect tweak... When your phone rings , it will not allow you to answer the phone while while your on DATA . CDMA (sprint). The but it does disconnect your data....if idle
I haven't tried it yet, because I'm still testing out stock ROM battery performance after I hard reset (with my prior tweaks and installations, I was lucky to get 12-14 hours of minimal to no use, while after hard resetting, and keeping everything pretty much stock, though did update live search and sprint TV, and added google maps, not adding any e-mail accounts yet, or any other programs, I have now been able to go 1-2 days between charges with light usage).

This fix supposedly works, though.

from the "Touch Pro essentials" sticky thread. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=42730

Issues with answering your phone when a data connection is open (answer buttons don't do anything)? Looks like a tweak messes up a registry key that affects this. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Planner\Settings], make sure SuspendResume is set to #777 (not anything containing GPRS). This issue seems to be related to Advanced Config. source
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  #822 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2009, 09:55 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Riddle me this Batman:

All I know is that at home I can leave my TP on my kitchen counter with full signal bars, do nothing to it, and in 8 hrs its dead. I tested it by taking it off the charger at 8am, left it on the counter, did absolutely NOTHING to it (didn't make one call, compose one email, surf one page) and by 4pm it died.

Now, I work in a concrete basement so I get no signal, and my TP is plugged in all day. Yesterday I had to go offsite to a place I'd never been and only got 2 bars for reception. Emails and calls up the wazoo for 2.5 hrs straight. When I left the site, I still had 85% battery strength.

:scra tch:
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  #823 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2009, 10:26 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

you might be bouncing between two towers at home. or it might be gremlins.... damn gremlins.

you were making sure to use the task manager to kill all apps right?
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  #824 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2009, 10:42 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

After a couple of months of being quite happy with my TP's battery life (up to 2 days if used lightly), my battery life has suddenly taken a nosedive, and now with the same usage, the battery dies in 12-16 hours. Ugh.

Maybe I can bug sprint into giving me a replacement?

Anyone know the best way to determine if it's the battery going south or some new power draining process or something?
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  #825 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2009, 10:56 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Li-Ion Batteries do not have the 'memory effect' as NiMH and NiCd batteries do. With NiMH and NiCd you definitely need to run them dead and then charge fully to 'teach' it what full and empty are. The Li-Ion battery will give the best performance if not fully drained and given partial charges. You should, however, fully discharge the battery every 30 charge 'cycles.' Li-Ion batteries are good for about 500 of these cycles (2-3 years).
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  #826 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2009, 11:00 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

I know with the mogul no2chem made a battery monitoring program were you can see how things draw charge. the simplest thing I can think is to fully charge then load up the big battery hogs like youtube and telenav and take recordings on charge over time for a while. sometimes with these phones you need to cycle the battery every month or so for the phone to be able to properly read the battery. doing a full draw cycle isn't great for the battery, but sometimes is a necisary evil so that the phone can properly remember the full power capacity of the battery.
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  #827 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2009, 12:58 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Originally Posted by cornelious2 View Post
you might be bouncing between two towers at home. or it might be gremlins.... damn gremlins.

you were making sure to use the task manager to kill all apps right?

I think your analysis of it being gremlins is spot on....I'm gonna try that one if I need to replace it.

Yeah, I only ever run 3 apps in the background....just darn screwy this TP.
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  #828 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2009, 01:04 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

no2chems power and battery meter does work on the touch pro, just need to use his diamond battery.dll, all available from www.nuerom.com
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  #829 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2009, 01:22 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Well just to let everyone know it cant be an issue with the o/s its the fact that the phone uses ALOT more power then it should. Probobly the radio and the gps. That and its on a CDMA network which uses a bit more power then a gsm. maybe sprint (or HTC) give us a second battery with this thing or engineer a 3000 mah battery. Hard setting your phone so that the o/s changes its "battery full setting" is a crock. You probobly think your getting more use out of it casue ur probobly using it less. You dont have to train your battery its a lithium ion battery. They are designed to be constantly on and off a charger. Things you can do to save battery life:

Turn back light down to the lowest
Use a program that turns off gps
Turn off roaming (sprint only)
close all programs in the background when not in use
Turn off any programs that check in (like the weather program)
When not in use like in ur pocket have the device automatically turn off in 40 seconds( any programs to make this less?)

Do the above and you will be getting 12-18 hours of battery life. I usually do and I texts alot talk about an hour or 2 use the web ALOT. (I dont do the gps thing though I forget about it)
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  #830 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2009, 01:32 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Battery life!!! Post your reviews!!

Originally Posted by ajac View Post
Well just to let everyone know it cant be an issue with the o/s its the fact that the phone uses ALOT more power then it should. Probobly the radio and the gps. That and its on a CDMA network which uses a bit more power then a gsm. maybe sprint (or HTC) give us a second battery with this thing or engineer a 3000 mah battery. Hard setting your phone so that the o/s changes its "battery full setting" is a crock. You probobly think your getting more use out of it casue ur probobly using it less. You dont have to train your battery its a lithium ion battery. They are designed to be constantly on and off a charger. Things you can do to save battery life:

Turn back light down to the lowest
Use a program that turns off gps
Turn off roaming (sprint only)
close all programs in the background when not in use
Turn off any programs that check in (like the weather program)
When not in use like in ur pocket have the device automatically turn off in 40 seconds( any programs to make this less?)

Do the above and you will be getting 12-18 hours of battery life. I usually do and I texts alot talk about an hour or 2 use the web ALOT. (I dont do the gps thing though I forget about it)
I agree with what you say except for the power cycle. Its not to train the battery, its actually to train the phone to properly read the battery. most devices read a batteries charge by identifying what the maximum output of the battery is, and then as it is used the output potential degrades until there isn't any energy left. this degridation is what is used to measure the level of drain.
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