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Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...
The attachment shows up super small so here is the string...
Dear X, Thank you for your reply. The expected price of the HTC Touch Pro is for $299.99. Your line #x is eligible for $75.00 and we offer you $100.00 additional rebate from our side. So, after total rebate of $175.00, the cost of the handset will become for $124.99 ($299.99 - $175.00 = $124.99). You can keep this email as a confirmation. Thank you again for contacting Sprint. We appreciate your business. Sincerely, xxx Customer Service Specialist Sprint Original Message Follows: ------------------------ Thanks for the timely reply. Forgive my density here on the next question, but I just want to make sure I follow... What will be the final cost to me to replace the handset? xxx Home Loan Sales Supervisor JPMorgan Chase x Sprint Customer Solutions - eCare3 <> 09/24/2008 01:23 PM To cc Subject Re: Care #x (Equipment - Upgrade/New Handset) (x Dear x, Thank you for contacting Sprint. I understand your concern regarding the handset. Please accept my sincere apologies for the trouble you have gone through due to handset problem. I understand that you wish to replace the HTC Mogul with the new HTC Touch Pro. The HTC Touch Pro will be available on October* 19 2008 for $299.99 with a two-year contract and after a $100 mail-in rebate. Yes, you can upgrade your HTC Mogul with the new HTC Touch Pro. We at Sprint offer great rebates for the existing customers depending upon the handset life on the account. As per this rebate offer, your line #8813 is eligible for an Instant Rebate of $75.00 on the purchase of a new PCS Phone and on January 01, 2009 this line will eligible for $150.00 on the purchase of a new phone. Looking at your long-term relationship and loyalty with Sprint, I discussed your case with my supervisor, and convinced him to offer additional rebate of $75.00 from our side on the purchase of a new PCS Phone. After the additional rebate offer of $75.00 from our side, you are eligible for the total rebate of $175.00 on the purchased of the new handset. I request you to reply us after activating the new HTC Touch Pro on your account. We will apply an additional $75.00 credit on your account. This credit will be adjusted against the charges on the invoice and will serve as an instant rebate. In order to purchase a new phone, all you need to do is visit the nearest Sprint Store and our store representative will be glad to assist you in choosing your new PCS Phone. Just click on this hyperlink to find the nearest Sprint Store: Some of the requirements of this promotional offer are: ? Participation in a new two-year PCS Subscriber Agreement. ? Purchase and activation of the new PCS Phone should be done at the Sprint Store. I have also put in a detailed note on your account mentioning this as well. This will make sure that when you visit the Store they are well aware that you are eligible for the rebate. Thank you again for contacting Sprint. We appreciate your business. Sincerely, x Customer Service Specialist Sprint Original Message Follows: ------------------------ Customer Name: x Sprint PCS Phone Number: x Account Number: x Form: Ask A Question-Manage Topic: Equipment SUB Topic: Upgrade/New Handset ================================================== =========== Original Question: handset problems Question: Hello. I have been a sprint customer for a little over 4 years. So far I have been pleased with the level of service I have received. However, I am experiencing equipment issues. I have the HTC Mogul on my main line. As of late, I have been having trouble with the keyboard. It has been giving me mutiple letters when I type a letter as well as not recognizing the Alt (little blue button) to allow me to type numbers. I went to my local sprint store where the tech support gentleman informed me that it was a common issue on this phone. I absolutely need a physical keyboard due to the amount of typing I do on my phone. Also windows mobile is needed for functionality as well. I do see that HTC has a new replacement for the Mogul coming very soon called the Touch Pro. I am hoping that you will be able to help me swap out my Mogul for the Touch Pro as soon as it is available. Like I mentioned earlier, Sprint has been great with any issues I've had so far and I am hoping that you will be able to solve my issues again. Thanks for your time and attention. ================================================== =========== This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential, legally privileged, and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Although this transmission and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by JPMorgan Chase & Co., its subsidiaries and affiliates, as applicable, for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. |
Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...
Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...
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Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...
Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...
From reading your email chain that you posted, it looks like the rep had their numbers crossed up. The retail cost of the phone is $599.99. There are 2 "instant rebates" (just like the Diamond). $75-150 (depending on eligibility) and additional $50, plus $100 MIR, which is what makes the phone 299.99 (depending on eligible instant w/ 2 year extension).
That being said, this rep has basically given you $300 off (right away), then an additional $175 off. Deal?...Well, I hope Sprint honors it. |
Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...
Wow amazing. My keyboard been giving me problems for months maybe I should email ecare about my problems and see where it gets me
Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...
you dont have sero do you?
and did you send the email to the 3 ecare emails or to the contact us via sprints siter
Re: Touch Pro for Mogul Ecare email inside...
i dont have sero. I sent the email to the contact us section via sprints site. I just replied to their reply when I had more questions...
Im going to stick with the 124.99 and print the email as requested when I visit the sprint store! |
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