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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2008, 09:40 AM
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Exclamation Call VZW Presidential for real info

Ok, Im am so tired or rumors and educated (and non-educated) guesses and hearing everything else that I think it is time we step it up a bit. By now both Sprint and VZW have to know something about this device. Its mid 3rd qrt of the year. Its pathetic that we may know more than they do but maybe we need to apply some pressure and get some info out of someone. Now we all know CSRs on L1 and L2 suck for the most part. But I have a number to VZW Presidential CSRs. So lets everyone call and see what we can find out. If someone can find and post a number for Sprint that would be great as well.

The number is 678-339-4000

Loving my rooted Droid X
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2008, 10:19 AM
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Re: Call VZW Presidential for real info

What information are you trying to find? Information about the HTC Diamond and Pro for Verizon has been posted already. http://www.phonearena.com/htmls/More-information-on-Touch-Diamond-and-Raphael-for-both-Sprint-and-Verizon-article-a_3021.html

Last edited by RicoRich196; 08-07-2008 at 10:21 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2008, 11:57 AM
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Re: Call VZW Presidential for real info

Specs mean nothing to me, I want a actual release date and price. See Im already ready to leave VZW but I dont want Sprint. I started to go back to ATT as I used to have an iPhone but dont really wanna do that either. I think the iPhone is a stepping stone for the new phones to come and it isnt what all it really has the potential to be. But overall with all the rumors out about the Diamond/Pro, not very much is factual and accountable as info is constantly changing.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2008, 12:30 PM
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Re: Call VZW Presidential for real info

Well the rule of thumb as far as pricing goes is usually whatever the old PDAs price was is generally what the new one will cost. Like the Mogul was $549 so I assume the Touch Pro will be the same.

Release dates are always kept underwraps for some reason. The thing is (not in a disrespectful way) you (me, everyone here) are a nobody to them. You're just a customer and they feel you only got to know what they want you to know and that's where the line is drawn. I know it sucks but we can't really do much.

The only alternative would be to run up in one of their houses, tie up their family, and demand release dates, prices, discount on bill or else "somebody's gonna get it" lmao.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2008, 04:35 PM
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Re: Call VZW Presidential for real info

my 2 cents...

By announcing/letting the date slip out, this info it could potentially cause a downturn in internet buzz. Right now (at least in our little niche) there is a lot off buzz about when its going to be out, how much it will cost, and whats going to be on it. All this is building up a lot of hype around the product, the more people chatter on about it the bigger the product gets.

If they were to say "Hey everyone its going to be out on August 7th and its going to cost you $50. Oh yeah and here's a spec sheet for you too with Dan's (whatever his last name is) stamp of approval." We wouldn't all be running around causing more talk about it on the internet, and that which we did would simply be threads with titles such as "Only 10 more days I can't wait" and "I'm camping out in front of the Sprint store the night before - Who's with me" And to be quite frank those threads tend to be boring dumb ones that make me think less of a particualr item, not want it.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2008, 09:43 PM
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Re: Call VZW Presidential for real info

I think the reason they don't announce the release dates is so they can contimue to unload the current model right up until the time the new model is released... otherwise they're stuck with a lot of older model phones.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2008, 09:50 PM
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Re: Call VZW Presidential for real info

bingo thats it same reason mac denounces new products. If you know the new thing it coming out in a month. why buy out their old stock now?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2008, 01:31 AM
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Re: Call VZW Presidential for real info

Originally Posted by weedahoe View Post
Specs mean nothing to me, I want a actual release date and price. See Im already ready to leave VZW but I dont want Sprint. I started to go back to ATT as I used to have an iPhone but dont really wanna do that either. I think the iPhone is a stepping stone for the new phones to come and it isnt what all it really has the potential to be. But overall with all the rumors out about the Diamond/Pro, not very much is factual and accountable as info is constantly changing.
Sprint is pretty good there days. Been there a year, no real problems
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2008, 08:58 AM
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Re: Call VZW Presidential for real info

Originally Posted by RicoRich196 View Post
Well the rule of thumb as far as pricing goes is usually whatever the old PDAs price was is generally what the new one will cost. Like the Mogul was $549 so I assume the Touch Pro will be the same.
I am aware of the average going rate for a new phone but if they are not going to compete with the iPhone pricing then I may as well just go buy another iPhone. I sold my 1st gen iPhone just before the 2nd gen came out. Im not scared to change service providers. But I refuse to pay 300+ for a phone that most CSRs cant tell you how to do anything with expect press talk and end.

Originally Posted by RicoRich196 View Post
The only alternative would be to run up in one of their houses, tie up their family, and demand release dates, prices, discount on bill or else "somebody's gonna get it" lmao.
Wanna go for a ride.........

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
Sprint is pretty good there days. Been there a year, no real problems
I have nothing against Sprint and am a bit envious of you Sprint users because of the unlimited plan Sprint has. But for me and where I go, Sprints coverage just doesnt work for me and that is why I went to VZW.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2008, 01:02 PM
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Re: Call VZW Presidential for real info

Originally Posted by weedahoe View Post
I am aware of the average going rate for a new phone but if they are not going to compete with the iPhone pricing then I may as well just go buy another iPhone. I sold my 1st gen iPhone just before the 2nd gen came out. Im not scared to change service providers. But I refuse to pay 300+ for a phone that most CSRs cant tell you how to do anything with expect press talk and end.

Wanna go for a ride.........

I have nothing against Sprint and am a bit envious of you Sprint users because of the unlimited plan Sprint has. But for me and where I go, Sprints coverage just doesnt work for me and that is why I went to VZW.
I always here this. They use the same network. Make it roam.
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