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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2008, 10:31 PM
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This is Bull****..

Im sure many of you feel the same regardless of the fact that Sprint is getting a phone with identical specs, or near identical specs to the GSM version.


The GSM versions of the Diamond and the Touch Pro are downright gorgeous and sexy. The names are good too.. Diamond is great, Touch Pro isnt as nifty but its not bad. The square form factors define them.

Why does Sprint and Verizon feel the need to take these phones that we desire so much, slap their branding all over them, request different styles, colors, slightly different design and different specs, and name them the suckiest names they can come up with??

They had a golden opportunity to position these phones as iphone competetors but no... they wanted the Instinct and the Dare to be their defining phones. I understand that the CDMA carriers have a different business model.. they sell the phones as a key component to their phone service, but COME ON HERE! This is downright stupid!

I think you all believe that Verizon is run by a bunch of retards.. WHY THE **** would they REMOVE the Accelerometor from their phone? Perhaps its part of the older (read: cheaper) chipset MSM7500 that is currently in their XV6800 because they think their smartphone customers are too ****ing stupid to notice the difference. None of that document about what Verizon is doing to it makes any sense whatsoever.. they are intentionally crippling the device and turning it into a second rate piece of ****. Basically, its become a XV6800 with a VGA screen and twice as much RAM, thats probably half eaten by the graphics chip so it will probably be as ****ty as the XV6800 RAM wise.

Why does Sprint name their device the HTC HERMAN?!!

My only answer ive come up with is this is NOT the name they are giving the device. It is an internal code name to differentiate this particular form factor from the GSM standard form factor, much how like the GSM HTC Victor was released as a different form factor of the Diamond, but still sold as the HTC Diamond to consumers. The internal documents sprint has leaked show that it is being called the Sprint Touch Diamond, so chances are they will sell it as the Sprint Diamond or some such thing and not the Sprint HTC Victor. Make sense?

In my thinking:

HTC Diamond = Squared form factor
HTC Raphael = Squared form factor aka Touch Pro
HTC Victor = Rounded form factor (Diamond)
HTC Herman = Rounded form factor (Raphael)

As for why Verizon calls theirs the Diamond and Raphael in that document? Probably since its an INTERNAL Sprint document not designed for our consumption, its probably using the other code name to contrast Sprint's products with what Verizon is supposed to get.

Assuming these documents are right Verizon is opting for the **** version, and id BET MY LIFE the price for the phones will be the same between Sprint and Verizon... cheap greedy ****ing bastards. (I'm a Sprint customer btw)

But really, all I want to know is why the CDMA carriers cant get a phone unmolested, unaltered (save the CDMA bands) and visually the EXACT SAME PHONE as the GSM versions? Is that really too much to ask?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2008, 10:35 PM
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Re: This is Bull****..

AMEN BROTHER! like the way carriers locked us out of our moguls gps at first.

  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2008, 10:43 PM
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Re: This is Bull****..

YES! Nicely put. Leave the devices alone! You only push us a little closer to GSM with every dumb tweak.
Best regards,
The Doctor
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2008, 10:59 PM
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Re: This is Bull****..

I totally agree.
windows mobile?
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2008, 11:08 PM
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Re: This is Bull****..

I don't know exactly, but i'm sure it has to do with profit. Why else does any business do anything it does? TO MAKE MONEY. There are lots of things that fall into that, probably millions of things I wouldn't even think about, but for one reason or another, I'm sure they are protecting their profits. Surely, it costs less per unit to buy from HTC to remove the more expensive technology. Less money spent to HTC means more money gained on the sale of the handset to the customer OR a lower price to charge to the customer so that people don't scream about how expensive all the phones are, etc...
Like I said, I don't know each decision that is made, but I know what drives it!

Other example from back in the day with the RAZR, I had a version of Motorola phone tools that allowed me to put my own home-made ringtones on my Sprint RAZR, and when I hooked up my friends Verizon one to do the exact same thing....it was locked down and couldn't even use the MANUFACTURER'S SOFTWARE!!! Why??? So you had to BUY their ringtones!!! Its stuff like that that will answer your question. Do they do it so piss us off? No. Are they trying to optimize their profits one way or another? DEF.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2008, 11:12 PM
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Re: This is Bull****..

Originally Posted by MrChainsaw View Post
I don't know exactly, but i'm sure it has to do with profit. Why else does any business do anything it does? TO MAKE MONEY. There are lots of things that fall into that, probably millions of things I wouldn't even think about, but for one reason or another, I'm sure they are protecting their profits. Surely, it costs less per unit to buy from HTC to remove the more expensive technology. Less money spent to HTC means more money gained on the sale of the handset to the customer OR a lower price to charge to the customer so that people don't scream about how expensive all the phones are, etc...
Like I said, I don't know each decision that is made, but I know what drives it!

Other example from back in the day with the RAZR, I had a version of Motorola phone tools that allowed me to put my own home-made ringtones on my Sprint RAZR, and when I hooked up my friends Verizon one to do the exact same thing....it was locked down and couldn't even use the MANUFACTURER'S SOFTWARE!!! Why??? So you had to BUY their ringtones!!! Its stuff like that that will answer your question. Do they do it so piss us off? No. Are they trying to optimize their profits one way or another? DEF.
Yes i understand the reasoning behind it, but keep in mind, these phones are for the HIGH END smartphone segment of the demographic. They will probably sign millions of clam shells to these things. There are segments of the population that are willing to spend lots of money on a device that has cutting edge features.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2008, 11:16 PM
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Re: This is Bull****..

I Think the reason behind this is because they need to sell other phone too. If U put all the best features in 1 phone, U will compromise the sales of the weaker phones. U must understand, carriers got contract from phone manufacturers too.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2008, 11:27 PM
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Re: This is Bull****..

Originally Posted by Tiberius85 View Post
Yes i understand the reasoning behind it, but keep in mind, these phones are for the HIGH END smartphone segment of the demographic. They will probably sign millions of clam shells to these things. There are segments of the population that are willing to spend lots of money on a device that has cutting edge features.
Oh, I get it! But after doing this everyday for over 7 years, directly with the public, I would estimate that MAYBE that comes to 5% at most! I am one of those people obviously! But the reason why Sprint invests so much money into promoting the Instinct is because it is DUMMY PROOF! 95% of the people I deal with on a daily basis when I show them the TOUCH (because that's what I have and love the hell out of) tell me its WAY TOO INVOLVED for them. The majority will sacrifice customization, performance, etc for CONVENIENCE AND PRICE. So putting effort and money etc into device like our beloved WM phones aren't high on the priority list. I will say though, that over the last year or so, I have seen a definite increase in the people who are warming up to the idea of PDA style phones and I'm sure the tides are shifting - (slowly but surely.) Like I said - there is no scientific study here - just my (humbly) qualified observation.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2008, 12:02 AM
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Re: This is Bull****..

This one's gonna get shut down as there was a bit too much profanity in the first post as well as the thread title being considered inappropriate, that is my testimony on this. You may have made decent use of the the swear filter at best, but you can't fool me.

~Thank you for understanding, and have a good day~
If you are literally serving shit to American children, or knowingly spinning a wheel where it is not unlikely that you will eventually serve shit – if that’s your business model? Then I got no problems with a jury of your peers wiring your nuts to a car battery and feeding you the accumulated sweepings from the bottom of a monkey cage. In fact, I’ll hold the spoon.” -Ralph Dunlop-
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