Any options to replace speaker??
Is there any reasonable way to put a new speaker in a Touch Pro?
Reason being... had mine dropped last night. Everything functions 100% except the speaker.
The external speaker is extremely loud and distorted. The internal speaker (earpiece on the front of the phone usually used while talking) is extremely quiet! The front side internal speaker isnt distorted or anything but even with an audio hack to jack up the volume, its useless almost. Id have to live in a library to really hear on it.
The external speaker is really really loud and distorted sounding. It's possible that the back side speaker is just distorted because of the extremely high volume. Even with the volume all the way down it still is loud as crap.
Any ideas?
Alltel PPC6700 first PPC
Treo 700WX
6800 (Titan?) HTC
HTC Touch Pro... (raph800, Alltel) <for sale
Current: Droid Incredible