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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2010, 11:56 PM
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random resetting

my phone is randomly resetting over and over again. I'm pretty sure it's not a software problem because I've reflashed many times. Is there something loose inside the phone or something?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 11:02 AM
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Re: random resetting

Call *2 and tell them. I just did it myself last Friday because of a number of problems, including random hard and soft resets, which I'm having on a rebuild I got 2 weeks ago from a Sprint store. They escalated me to advanced support specifically because to the reset issue. They offered me another TP and I politely asked if they could trade it out for something more dependable. I was given a short list of candidates but none of them were really compatible with the features of the TP and my SERO plan. They are supposed to call me back today with a fresh list, hopefully with a TP2 on it.

My original TP was excellent and lasted for almost a year--and I use it hard--but the screen froze up one day. Since then I'm on my forth refurb, each one progressively worse than the last.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 11:36 PM
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Re: random resetting

i've had the same problems with messed up keyboard and face buttons.

Went in to the Sprint Repair store, they looked it over and ordered a new TP (well it was refurb.). Got it 2 days later.

Used Task 29 to format it, it came unlocked surprisingly...., and but Energy Rom on, cookie edition. Love it!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 11:04 PM
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Re: random resetting

Well, My three week old refurb has had a number of problems, the worst being that you can't call into it, calls go straight to voicemail, even more maddening, the voice mails show up anywhere between an hour to a few days later.

I went the *2 and Advanced Tech Support route and she agreed that a fresh refurb should not be soft and hard resetting*1 itself at random as well as the problems above. I mentioned that I had heard this phone was no longer offered by Sprint and asked if it had anything to do with the reliability problems I was experiencing which seemed to mimic those I have read about on the internet. She told me that she could only offer me whatever was avalible in inventory and after checking, she said they had a Palm, and two Blackberry models; none which I was interested in. She issued and emailed me a repair ticket telling me that I need to take that number to a Sprint store for them to verify the problem and trade me out.

I was finally able to make it to the store this week and I wanted to share my adventure, so here's my diary for this week:

Go to store, give them ticket number and phone. Rep asks and writes down all of the problems I'm having. Rep takes phone and form and tells me to comeback in about 45 Minutes. When I return, he tells me that they were able to fix it with a hard reset(see *1 above).

I politely ask him to call the phone so that I can see it can receive calls now. He hands me off to a supervisor looking rep. After repeating the problems to him, I tell him I would just like to confirm it can receive calls before I leave. He tries to call it and guess what, instant voicemail. After searching through the phone settings and much typing into his computer, he tries the phone again;SUCCESS. He tries it a few more times and he even has success with the voicemail showing up instantly. I ask him about the reliabilty issues and trade out information that the Advanced TS and he give me his card telling me to call if I have anymore problems with it so he can order a different model; adding that it they swap out with refurbs, just so I know.

About an hour later I'm home and I make a call, my friend asks where I am since he doesn't recognize the number. I try calling my land line with the same results; I call my cell number--straight to voicemail; I try calling the CID number and I get the phone. I call back the well dressed rep at the store and tell him it's still messed up. He tells me that he will order a new one for me and it would be there Tuesday. Later that evening, I go to grab out my 16G micro sdhc card only to find a 1G in there. Then I look closer at the phone, there is no small scratch on the back; THEY GAVE ME SOMEBODY ELSE'S PHONE!!!!!
I had to shut it off because the phone started getting lot's of texts and calls around 11PM.

I Call Sprint store and ask for the rep I last spoke to and was told he was off that day. So I explain to the guy I was given somebody elses phone, and I want to know where my phone is along with my sdhc card. He told me that he would look and give me a call back. Rep calls back minutes later with good news, phone and card are safe, I ask if my new phone has come in, he looks and tells me there is no order open for my account.
With controlled anger, I asked him if he could order a phone for me and give me back the one I gave them so I can at least call out, I also tell him that I'd bring the other person's phone back after work. I then mention that I know Sprint has been trading out the TP due to it's issues and that since well dressed rep had added insult to injury with the wrong phone and not ordering BS. Guy was cool and told me he would run the BS by the tech since he's the one who makes the decision, but he couldn't promise me anything. He seemed sincere so I gave him the benefit.

I stop in the store after work to bring back the wrong phone and retrieve mine.

Wednesday: Get an early call from the store telling me my replacement is in; go to the store after work; rep goes and looks, come back and tells me it hasn't been ordered yet. Now I'm pissed and I ask the guy, in my professional loud and clear speaker voice, how it is that I brought my phone in Monday, that here it was Wednesday, and despite paying full TEP, I'm about to leave the store a third time without a working phone. He asked me to hold up for a second and he would check in a different place, went in the back room, then out to the drawer under the TP2 display and BINGO!!!! He found a brand spanking new TP2 for me.

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