Originally Posted by drewcam888
They can't be sued for allowing another carrier phone.
it wouldnt happen, but obsolutely could happen... carriers have independent licensing for patents... Sprint might be licensed for a piece of software and Verizon who activates may not be... now theyre allowing a device on their network that they may or may not have licensing for the software on... far stretch i know and not worth it, but if VZW had say 10,000 sprint devices running on their network and Sprint caught on, by all means they could do something about it...
itll all change eventually.. there was legislation awhile back that said when our contracts end, its unfair to consumer rights, not to be able to unlock the device and take it to another carrier.. because once our contract is over, WEVE fulfilled our terms and shouldnt have to be locked to that carrier still just because of the handset.............. this kinda lead to the fight of carrier exclusivity right to affect consumer rights/choice thats going on now... if carrier dont have exlcusivity rights, its make it easier to take devices from cdma carrier to cdma carrier and same with gsm..
just a thought