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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 12:52 AM
thunderx2000's Avatar
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Defecting to Android soon...

I would like to say that Touch Diamond and Pro was my first true Windows Mobile Experience. I wanted to upgrade to the Touch Pro2 but with having only dropped to $300 from $350 it's just not worth it considering the Samsung Moment got a bigger price drop. To top that off it's not even getting an Official support for Windows Mobile 6.5 at least from Sprint. Windows Mobile 6.5 has been out for almost a year and Sprint has not released it for the Touch Pro or touch Pro2. Also when Sprint makes any Windows Mobile 7 phones available i wouldn't be able to use any of the apps i've paid for, not cool Microsoft, not cool. so for this reason I am defecting to greener pastures. Any comment discussing this post is welcome, debates are always a good idea.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 11:28 AM
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Re: Defecting to Android soon...

meh, im running SPB MS 3.5.x with the sense UI and couldnt be happier so far. running it off a 6.1 build just for the free mem since im on VZN. have you thought about giving that a try?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 12:50 PM
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Re: Defecting to Android soon...

While I agree that the lack of an Official release from Sprint/HTC for 6.5 for the Sprint Touch Pro 2 is sub-par support, I find Sprint to be lacking in any follow-up updates regardless of the platform or OS. Doesn't make sense to me to switch to an Android only phone. When you have a phone currently capable or running both Windows Mobile and Android. While is has first been stated that Windows Phone 7 will not support older apps, we still can't confirm that yet. (Personally, as seeing that Windows Phone 7 is still based around Windows CE and has .net - most older apps should still work via-legacy support) But if your have already decided to jump ship then it is too late to convince you otherwise. Enjoy Android -
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 02:29 PM
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Re: Defecting to Android soon...

I just migrated from alltel touch pro to a moto droid.

couldn't be happier
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 09:06 PM
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Re: Defecting to Android soon...

Originally Posted by Mylt1 View Post
meh, im running SPB MS 3.5.x with the sense UI and couldnt be happier so far. running it off a 6.1 build just for the free mem since im on VZN. have you thought about giving that a try?
I have SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 also, but the sense UI feature is pretty much a knock-off the real thing.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 09:09 PM
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Re: Defecting to Android soon...

Originally Posted by mariano3113 View Post
While I agree that the lack of an Official release from Sprint/HTC for 6.5 for the Sprint Touch Pro 2 is sub-par support, I find Sprint to be lacking in any follow-up updates regardless of the platform or OS. Doesn't make sense to me to switch to an Android only phone. When you have a phone currently capable or running both Windows Mobile and Android. While is has first been stated that Windows Phone 7 will not support older apps, we still can't confirm that yet. (Personally, as seeing that Windows Phone 7 is still based around Windows CE and has .net - most older apps should still work via-legacy support) But if your have already decided to jump ship then it is too late to convince you otherwise. Enjoy Android -
I understand your point of view completely but the samsung moment does have set-in-stone date for android 2.1 unlike the touch pro which was supposed to have been upgraded to winmo 6.5 almost a year ago.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 10:28 PM
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Re: Defecting to Android soon...

I understand that it has a set-in-stone date to 2.1, but that's almost the equivalent of the semi-newer HTC Sprint ROM update. I'm talking about further support down the road. If I were going to get an Android Phone I would wait and get a newer HTC device. I try to stay away from Samsung & LG because they tend to drop support almost completey. Such as changing the connector every other model and usually having a different model for the US and rest of the world - which doesn't help contribute to community support. Atleast with HTC most cables/accesories can be transferred from HTC model to HTC model. (Exceptions usually being that a device does not support TV-Out... aka current Android & Snapdragon HD2) But HTC's propiertary EXT-USB accepts standard micro-usb - where as Samsung and LG like to make some propiertary usb connection that is not micro-usb compatible and will change with the newer/upgarded model. (Costing more for accesories with less return on investment, but I guess when dealing with Smartphones who cares - seeing as how it is a luxury item anyway)

But back to further support or Official development. Sprint/HTC have dropped the ball when it comes to releasing 6.5 for the Touch Pro, but Sprint/Samsung will eventually not release newer Android builds for older models. Both cases will cause you to either feed into their BS and purchase a newer phone, or you can be contempt and stick with whatever OS build they left you hanging with...OR you can Hard-SPL/ROOT and install newer custom ROMs/OS_Builds yourself. What I'm trying to say is no matter what road you choose, if your really trying to get the most bang for the buck and most performance out of your device - you shouldn't be relying on the Carrier/Manufactuerer to do so. If that's how things should be we wouldn't have sites like these or communities so deeply devoted to custimization. We would have Blackberry's with monthly updates....with minimal change and custimization and just be satisfied.

I enjoy using Android a lot. I enjoy running Eclair 2.1 and confusing people that have a Hero or Moment with stock OS builds. They wonder how my Windows Mobile Phone has a newer version than theirs but they are afraid to ROOT and void warranty. (Which Ironically you do not need to "unlock" to have Android on the Touch Pro- just need space on an SD-Card.)

Again be wise and I'm sure you'll enjoy moving to Android. I'm more of saying don't choose a phone for the Carrier/Manufactuer support but more of the shelf-life/capability and community development/support.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 10:37 PM
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Re: Defecting to Android soon...

Originally Posted by mariano3113 View Post
I understand that it has a set-in-stone date to 2.1, but that's almost the equivalent of the semi-newer HTC Sprint ROM update. I'm talking about further support down the road. If I were going to get an Android Phone I would wait and get a newer HTC device. I try to stay away from Samsung & LG because they tend to drop support almost completey. Such as changing the connector every other model and usually having a different model for the US and rest of the world - which doesn't help contribute to community support. Atleast with HTC most cables/accesories can be transferred from HTC model to HTC model. (Exceptions usually being that a device does not support TV-Out... aka current Android & Snapdragon HD2) But HTC's propiertary EXT-USB accepts standard micro-usb - where as Samsung and LG like to make some propiertary usb connection that is not micro-usb compatible and will change with the newer/upgarded model. (Costing more for accesories with less return on investment, but I guess when dealing with Smartphones who cares - seeing as how it is a luxury item anyway)

But back to further support or Official development. Sprint/HTC have dropped the ball when it comes to releasing 6.5 for the Touch Pro, but Sprint/Samsung will eventually not release newer Android builds for older models. Both cases will cause you to either feed into their BS and purchase a newer phone, or you can be contempt and stick with whatever OS build they left you hanging with...OR you can Hard-SPL/ROOT and install newer custom ROMs/OS_Builds yourself. What I'm trying to say is no matter what road you choose, if your really trying to get the most bang for the buck and most performance out of your device - you shouldn't be relying on the Carrier/Manufactuerer to do so. If that's how things should be we wouldn't have sites like these or communities so deeply devoted to custimization. We would have Blackberry's with monthly updates....with minimal change and custimization and just be satisfied.

I enjoy using Android a lot. I enjoy running Eclair 2.1 and confusing people that have a Hero or Moment with stock OS builds. They wonder how my Windows Mobile Phone has a newer version than theirs but they are afraid to ROOT and void warranty. (Which Ironically you do not need to "unlock" to have Android on the Touch Pro- just need space on an SD-Card.)

Again be wise and I'm sure you'll enjoy moving to Android. I'm more of saying don't choose a phone for the Carrier/Manufactuer support but more of the shelf-life/capability and community development/support.
Understandable I like the Moment because it has a capacitive touchscreen AND slide-out keyboard where as the Hero just has the touchscreen going for it, i really do not care too much for the SenseUI on the hero also, Eclair 2.1 now has the same amount of screens as Hero UI so makes not sense( pun intended) to pay more money just for the eye candy. I like the Moment because I think it is more bada** than the Hero, and don't plan on upgrading after getting the phone unless Sprint plans on releasing a phone with a bigger screen, has android 2.1 and a slide-out keyboard.

Last edited by thunderx2000; 03-01-2010 at 10:41 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 11:28 PM
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Re: Defecting to Android soon...

I am an Alltel customer and have not had any support for upgrading WM6.1 at all. That is until I discovered how to flash new ROM's and a whole new world opened up for me.

I was at first excited for the WM7 news but a big decision maker for myself is not being able to carry over the hundreds of dollars I have spent on 3rd party apps to the new devices. They are programs I have enjoyed for years and not being able to keep the products I have purchased specifically for Windows Mobile is quite a turn down for me.

Other platforms just have not offered the power use that Windows Mobile has offered and it seems that, at least for now, Windows Mobile will no longer be moving in that direction.

I was not even considering changing platforms but due to this change I may consider looking at Android or others. Sad to say the least however changing markets mean changing business practices. Oh well eh?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-01-2010, 11:39 PM
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Re: Defecting to Android soon...

Originally Posted by CrossXcalibur View Post
I am an Alltel customer and have not had any support for upgrading WM6.1 at all. That is until I discovered how to flash new ROM's and a whole new world opened up for me.

I was at first excited for the WM7 news but a big decision maker for myself is not being able to carry over the hundreds of dollars I have spent on 3rd party apps to the new devices. They are programs I have enjoyed for years and not being able to keep the products I have purchased specifically for Windows Mobile is quite a turn down for me.

Other platforms just have not offered the power use that Windows Mobile has offered and it seems that, at least for now, Windows Mobile will no longer be moving in that direction.

I was not even considering changing platforms but due to this change I may consider looking at Android or others. Sad to say the least however changing markets mean changing business practices. Oh well eh?
My point exactly, with Android no matter what carrier you move to, no matter what version of Android you have, no matter what device you have in your hand and as long as you have your Android Market login info you can still use your apps. And no you won't be able able use any of the apps you may have purchased for windows mobile 6.x with windows mobile 7, numerous windows mobile and electronics news site that have covered windows mobile 7 has said so.

Last edited by thunderx2000; 03-01-2010 at 11:46 PM.
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