HTC Android - pin code - resolve problem
bug is inside RIL -
there is into source library:
*if* ( datalen == *sizeof*(*char**) ) *{*
asprintf(&cmd, "AT+CPIN=%s", strings[0]); <--------HERE IS PROBLEM
*}* *else* *if* ( datalen == 2**sizeof*(*char**) ) *{*
asprintf(&cmd, "AT+CPIN=%s,%s", strings[0], strings[1]); <---- AND HERE
*}* *else*
*goto* error;
must be:
if ( datalen == sizeof(char*) ) {
asprintf(&cmd, "AT+CPIN=\"%s\"", strings[0]);
} else if ( datalen == 2*sizeof(char*) ) {
asprintf(&cmd, "AT+CPIN=\"%s\",\"%s\"", strings[0], strings[1]);
} else
goto error;
if someona got source please recompile and try did work.