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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 02:17 PM
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Verizon branded TP unlockable?

I've been pm'ing everyone that may have insight into an issue I'm having, figured I'd try here too.

Bought a used tp (xv6850, verizon) running an ssk rom. I tried to take it to my carrier (metropcs); they told me they couldn't do anything with it because they couldn't access the data programming (##data# or whatever it is supposed to be for the tp, I've not been able to get any ##blank# commands to work at all) so I figured a different rom needed to be put on it. I studied cmonex's method, acquired all the necessary software, researched some more then tried loading mightyrom. After the rom was loaded, it would just hang at the verizon loading screen and...nothing. I could get into bootloader no problem so I read up on the "flash dance" and gave it a try. When I load bootloader it reads:

Security Unlocked

microp-raph (led) v8182
microp-raph (key) v0682
psoc-raph stage_evt v20

I have tried loading roms via sd card with the RAPHIMG.nbh method; nothing loads. When I enter bootloader it goes directly to the tricolor screen with the above info and thats it. Trying to run ruu from my laptop always results in an error 262, unless it's the stock verizon rom. All attempts to use cmonex's hardspl solution have failed. All attempts to load any other rom fail, whether it be through ruu, sd card or threatening to "hard reset against a wall". I can easily access bootloader or the crappy verizon Win Mobile 6.1 thats ultra gimped...that's about it. Any ideas? I've been working on this for a week now, I've tried asking everyone. It was running an ssk rom when I first got it so I know it's not impossible. I'd really like to figure this out so I can dump my crappy Samsung Instinct (the Jitterbug of touchscreen phones). Thanks in advance.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 03:02 PM
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Re: Verizon branded TP unlockable?

Originally Posted by iloathehtc View Post
I've been pm'ing everyone that may have insight into an issue I'm having, figured I'd try here too.

Bought a used tp (xv6850, verizon) running an ssk rom. I tried to take it to my carrier (metropcs); they told me they couldn't do anything with it because they couldn't access the data programming (##data# or whatever it is supposed to be for the tp, I've not been able to get any ##blank# commands to work at all) so I figured a different rom needed to be put on it. I studied cmonex's method, acquired all the necessary software, researched some more then tried loading mightyrom. After the rom was loaded, it would just hang at the verizon loading screen and...nothing. I could get into bootloader no problem so I read up on the "flash dance" and gave it a try. When I load bootloader it reads:

Security Unlocked

microp-raph (led) v8182
microp-raph (key) v0682
psoc-raph stage_evt v20

I have tried loading roms via sd card with the RAPHIMG.nbh method; nothing loads. When I enter bootloader it goes directly to the tricolor screen with the above info and thats it. Trying to run ruu from my laptop always results in an error 262, unless it's the stock verizon rom. All attempts to use cmonex's hardspl solution have failed. All attempts to load any other rom fail, whether it be through ruu, sd card or threatening to "hard reset against a wall". I can easily access bootloader or the crappy verizon Win Mobile 6.1 thats ultra gimped...that's about it. Any ideas? I've been working on this for a week now, I've tried asking everyone. It was running an ssk rom when I first got it so I know it's not impossible. I'd really like to figure this out so I can dump my crappy Samsung Instinct (the Jitterbug of touchscreen phones). Thanks in advance.
on all 4 of the replacements i received i had the same issue on all,for me to unlock,flash a rom ect. i had to make 1 adjustment

start menu---settings---connections---usb to pc---uncheck the faster file transfer box under activesync

if i didn't do that it wouldn't work for me,no other phones have done that lol,just my vzw refurbs

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 03:29 PM
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Re: Verizon branded TP unlockable?

Originally Posted by num5kull27 View Post
on all 4 of the replacements i received i had the same issue on all,for me to unlock,flash a rom ect. i had to make 1 adjustment

start menu---settings---connections---usb to pc---uncheck the faster file transfer box under activesync

if i didn't do that it wouldn't work for me,no other phones have done that lol,just my vzw refurbs

It's unchecked, still no dice. Installation of cmonex .35 spl hangs at 0 percent.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 03:37 PM
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Re: Verizon branded TP unlockable?

Originally Posted by iloathehtc View Post
It's unchecked, still no dice. Installation of cmonex .35 spl hangs at 0 percent.
your not putting into bootlloader trying to unlock are you???
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 03:43 PM
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Re: Verizon branded TP unlockable?

I bought a used touch pro a while back and the touch screen died. So i took it to Verizon and they never asked anything just mailed me a replacement. Im on the third replacement now and they decided to upgrade me to the TP2. Just take it to Verizon and if the reps dont know how to fix it, they should replace it.

My mistake. Just realized you're not with Verizon. I apologize but would Metro be willing to replace it?
"The day you stop trying to be someone you're not is the day you become who you always wanted to be." - ME

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Last edited by mkeith813; 01-02-2010 at 03:47 PM. Reason: misread
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 04:08 PM
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Re: Verizon branded TP unlockable?

Originally Posted by mkeith813 View Post
I bought a used touch pro a while back and the touch screen died. So i took it to Verizon and they never asked anything just mailed me a replacement. Im on the third replacement now and they decided to upgrade me to the TP2. Just take it to Verizon and if the reps dont know how to fix it, they should replace it.

My mistake. Just realized you're not with Verizon. I apologize but would Metro be willing to replace it?
we got em all fixed up and now he's gonna be rom testing lol
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 11:20 PM
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Re: Verizon branded TP unlockable?

Metro won't do anything for you...ever. We're talking about a company where people pay an extra $2 to pay their monthly bills via a vending machine just so they don't have to talk to metropcs "customer service reps". The security guy at the corp metro store by my place is a crackhead, I see him on my block buying it all the time. I'm almost ready put this tp on metro (it's cheap and I'm broke and I'm already on metro, or as it is referred to in the Bay Area, Ghettropcs) but I don't want to teach these idiots how I've managed to get this xv6850 to this point. I had alot of help along the way; if you have any questions I can answer I'd be happy to help. Unless you work at a corp metro store.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2010, 02:44 AM
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Re: Verizon branded TP unlockable?

Originally Posted by iloathehtc View Post
Metro won't do anything for you...ever. We're talking about a company where people pay an extra $2 to pay their monthly bills via a vending machine just so they don't have to talk to metropcs "customer service reps". The security guy at the corp metro store by my place is a crackhead, I see him on my block buying it all the time. I'm almost ready put this tp on metro (it's cheap and I'm broke and I'm already on metro, or as it is referred to in the Bay Area, Ghettropcs) but I don't want to teach these idiots how I've managed to get this xv6850 to this point. I had alot of help along the way; if you have any questions I can answer I'd be happy to help. Unless you work at a corp metro store.
Great job in troubleshooting. I think I may have nailed down mine as well, but gotta go to bed and will be back at it tomorrow....

Good night loather brotha!
Hellllpppppp, I can't stop flashing....

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hardspl spl unlock, unlockable, verizon xv6850

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