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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2009, 12:16 AM
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Just another Touch Pro life story

so this is just another Touch Pro life story

sorry bout the typos..

the touch pro's an awsome phone...but as much as i love windows and as much as i wouldnt trade my touch pro for anything yet i have to say microsoft and htc both fuked up many minor factors...too many...

htc= no 3.5mm, shitty battery(partially Microsofts fault), that annoying wobble of the screen that u get used to after ur 4th touch pro(lawl), the lack of multi touch support both hardw. and softw..and the screens nice and crisp visually but its so not responsive, instead of tappin it u have to thump the darn thing.

from microsofts part im not even gonna start...any phone runnin on winmo is already somewhat fuked and extraordinary... you really have to love winmo to stick to it with all the awsome OS's out there so far...

but in the end i would'nt change my Tpro for anything as much as the phone pisses me off...frezzing when u get an incoming phone call...gota love it right?

y'know after your 5th replacement you'll prob have your rom perfect, everything runnin nicely..thats when you really capture the beauty...cuz atleast for me by the first one i was already flashing roms off ppc geeks...lost so much sleep..lol..by the second you're getting into the community and the whole winmo thing, and ur thinking about cooking your own rom but dnt got the balls....by the third one you've cooked ur own rom after going thru countless OEMS, tutorials, sys versions, your all happy, you back up ur kitchen and w.e u dont wanna deal with another kitchen ever again....till by the 4 day of your new rom your phone starts freezing over night....so now your like **** what whent wrong? so you cook all types of roms from all types of kitchens, getting different oems from here, there, everywhere!!..till you actually have a collection of all your valuable OEMs and cabs....so now its 4am in the morning, you have school in about 3 hours and work rigth after and you're still there checking and unchecking check marks in the kitchen cooking your rom...so you get the rom perfect once again..but because your about to literally just knock out you didnt notice you cook a rom with a different CARRIER OEM.....so now your paying for sprint and you bymistake cooked the rom with the verizon carrier OEM.... you cooked your rom, you say to yourself " FINALLY, MY ROMS perfect and DONE "...ur so tired you actually dont flash it yet, you knock out on the pc...u wake up in the morning (4 hours later) tired as **** with the htc rom flashing window open waiting for you to connect your touch pro...so you actually just copy the NBH rom file to your SD card and go to school cuz your so late....now your at school n you flash the rom from your storage card, spend your whole day doing all youre tweaks, installing cabs, making it look like u want, doing all the regedits...all the usuals you do when u flash a new rom, now your all happy cuz you finally got your rom perfect...nxt day you try to use the internet and your phones telling you "error 067 invalid vision user name/password"....you try internet tethering and as soon as you see "verizon data" right there and then it hits you...****! i cooked the wrong carrier oem....so now u go back to stock rom and it doesnt fix the problem...you call sprint they guide you thru different processes you already tried and they end up telling you youre account esn information was changed and they cant do anything, to take it to the store....now you have a what i call a " stupid touch pro".."a TP with no data"...your phones going crazy from all the no data notifications poppin up...u take it to sprint and they cant fix it either....so you wait your 3 days for your 4th replacement...you get home your all happy with the new TP, you recook your rom with the right carrier OEM, and when you start flashing you notice the flashing process doesnt pass 1%...and it actually freezes there....so you soft reset and now its not going pass the tri color screen....now your thinking, **** i just got this one and its bricked...and its your first time dealing with bricks...then it hits you...you forgot to unlock it before you flash the cust. rom!!!...so your going thru ppcgeeks trying to fix it, posting up countless threads n shit....finally you manage to somehow unlock it and flash your rom succesfully, spend another day re-doing all your tweeaks, reg edits ect..and w.e your phones working perfect for about a month, your happy n so on....

One day you find your self driving and get lost...so u think GOOGLE MAPS!!! will save me just like it has before...u launch google maps and you fail to get a single gps lock...you open up htc gps tool and no luck....so now ur ****ed lost with no gps...w.e

as time goes by you notice all types of rom issues, bugs but your too lazy to cook another rom..

suddenly windows 6.5 comes out!...your like ****!!! too much temptation....but w.e u try out different 6.5 roms, then you go thru the "idk if i want the speed of 6.1, or the awsomeness of 6.5 stage"....so now your switching back n forth between 6.1 and 6.5 as time passes by until you say **** it 6.5 it is...its been out long enough to be stable....so you go thru the whole process of going thru all the kitchens...all the roms...collect another series of valuable OEMS...loose another 24 hours of sleep....so on

now youve found the right kitchen but its a visual kitchen...not like the old kitchen...the new visual kitchen...so now your fuked because all those OEMs u had collected are unusable because you dont know how to convert them to the new kitchn and are too lazy to find out...so in the process of learning the new kitchen u actually permanently brick the phone and are unable to relock cuz it wont go past the tri color screen no matter what..

now you go to sprint, acting like a complete nooob to winmo...and say something like.."i was using the camera when i got an incoming call and it just got stuck on this rainbow screen of some sort for some reason"...in reality your shitting bricks because they might find out its unlocked...specially when it says "UNLOCKED" in red letters on the top of the rainbow screen...w.e, turns out sprints too retarted to notice or maybe they dont check but they give you another touch pro.....a week later your keyboard dies out....u come back, they give you another one......2 weeks later your screens doing all these crazy flickering things till it dies out aswell...so they replace the screen and wala fixed..."btw i have the 7 dollar insurance thing..maybe thats why they're so generous?"

....so after alot of trail and error with 6.5....after trying out every different build version.....tempted to flash everyday as diferent builds would pop outta nowhere evey single day...you finaly get your 6.5 rom perfect....you make sure your gps drivers are all there, everythings working, you actually beta test your rom for atleast a month to make sure everything good....bench mark you vedio drivers, you use every diff radio version atleast for a week and find the best one..ect

now you have the best radio....rom cooked to perfection...phone working perfect hardware wise

sudenly once again now you see windows 6.5.1 popping autta nowhere..u see the cool start on the bottom, the nice big menus ect...but by now youre like **** it, im staying with 6.5.

..and it still sorta temps switchin to 6.5.1 but too much trouble...i finally got my rom perfect after countless lost hours and like 6 touch pros....
i just wish microsoft would support winmo a bit more...its a very powerfull OS...id say the most powerful out of em all, if u know how to use it...

anyways just a lil storie of me n my PRO.......probably just one of many out there

and wanna give thanx to calkulin who actually gave me support and for creating such awsome kitchens which produce the best roms out there.

thnx for reading hope y'enjoy....i know your reading and probly thinking to youself like "yea me too!"

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2009, 12:24 AM
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Re: Just another Touch Pro life story

i killed my battery reading all of that!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2009, 04:42 AM
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Re: Just another Touch Pro life story

vent much? LOL A drink perhaps? hahaa
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2009, 05:32 AM
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Re: Just another Touch Pro life story

yup been there, done most of that. live and learn I guess.

however, I have stuck with winmo cuz it's still the only one that can do everything. from scripting and serial com ports, to native wifi-router. I tell everyone it does everything my lappy can do except burn a disk, which I do less and less these days.

here's hoping devices start coming with usb host (OTG)

I wouldn't have an issue going droid, but current selection is limited for a few more days anyway.. but it wouldn't surprise me if I found several things it couldn't do that i've grown accustomed to since the apache.
7 windows to rule them all, 7 windows to find them,
7 windows to bring them all, and in the network bind them.
Navizon CM&ResProxyKiller nueRom SuspendResume777
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2009, 08:58 PM
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Re: Just another Touch Pro life story

Originally Posted by savir90 View Post
so this is just another Touch Pro life story

sorry bout the typos..

the touch pro's an awsome phone...but as much as i love windows and as much as i wouldnt trade my touch pro for anything yet i have to say microsoft and htc both fuked up many minor factors...too many...

htc= no 3.5mm, shitty battery(partially Microsofts fault), that annoying wobble of the screen that u get used to after ur 4th touch pro(lawl), the lack of multi touch support both hardw. and softw..and the screens nice and crisp visually but its so not responsive, instead of tappin it u have to thump the darn thing.

from microsofts part im not even gonna start...any phone runnin on winmo is already somewhat fuked and extraordinary... you really have to love winmo to stick to it with all the awsome OS's out there so far...

but in the end i would'nt change my Tpro for anything as much as the phone pisses me off...frezzing when u get an incoming phone call...gota love it right?

y'know after your 5th replacement you'll prob have your rom perfect, everything runnin nicely..thats when you really capture the beauty...cuz atleast for me by the first one i was already flashing roms off ppc geeks...lost so much sleep..lol..by the second you're getting into the community and the whole winmo thing, and ur thinking about cooking your own rom but dnt got the balls....by the third one you've cooked ur own rom after going thru countless OEMS, tutorials, sys versions, your all happy, you back up ur kitchen and w.e u dont wanna deal with another kitchen ever again....till by the 4 day of your new rom your phone starts freezing over night....so now your like **** what whent wrong? so you cook all types of roms from all types of kitchens, getting different oems from here, there, everywhere!!..till you actually have a collection of all your valuable OEMs and cabs....so now its 4am in the morning, you have school in about 3 hours and work rigth after and you're still there checking and unchecking check marks in the kitchen cooking your rom...so you get the rom perfect once again..but because your about to literally just knock out you didnt notice you cook a rom with a different CARRIER OEM.....so now your paying for sprint and you bymistake cooked the rom with the verizon carrier OEM.... you cooked your rom, you say to yourself " FINALLY, MY ROMS perfect and DONE "...ur so tired you actually dont flash it yet, you knock out on the pc...u wake up in the morning (4 hours later) tired as **** with the htc rom flashing window open waiting for you to connect your touch pro...so you actually just copy the NBH rom file to your SD card and go to school cuz your so late....now your at school n you flash the rom from your storage card, spend your whole day doing all youre tweaks, installing cabs, making it look like u want, doing all the regedits...all the usuals you do when u flash a new rom, now your all happy cuz you finally got your rom perfect...nxt day you try to use the internet and your phones telling you "error 067 invalid vision user name/password"....you try internet tethering and as soon as you see "verizon data" right there and then it hits you...****! i cooked the wrong carrier oem....so now u go back to stock rom and it doesnt fix the problem...you call sprint they guide you thru different processes you already tried and they end up telling you youre account esn information was changed and they cant do anything, to take it to the store....now you have a what i call a " stupid touch pro".."a TP with no data"...your phones going crazy from all the no data notifications poppin up...u take it to sprint and they cant fix it either....so you wait your 3 days for your 4th replacement...you get home your all happy with the new TP, you recook your rom with the right carrier OEM, and when you start flashing you notice the flashing process doesnt pass 1%...and it actually freezes there....so you soft reset and now its not going pass the tri color screen....now your thinking, **** i just got this one and its bricked...and its your first time dealing with bricks...then it hits you...you forgot to unlock it before you flash the cust. rom!!!...so your going thru ppcgeeks trying to fix it, posting up countless threads n shit....finally you manage to somehow unlock it and flash your rom succesfully, spend another day re-doing all your tweeaks, reg edits ect..and w.e your phones working perfect for about a month, your happy n so on....

One day you find your self driving and get lost...so u think GOOGLE MAPS!!! will save me just like it has before...u launch google maps and you fail to get a single gps lock...you open up htc gps tool and no luck....so now ur ****ed lost with no gps...w.e

as time goes by you notice all types of rom issues, bugs but your too lazy to cook another rom..

suddenly windows 6.5 comes out!...your like ****!!! too much temptation....but w.e u try out different 6.5 roms, then you go thru the "idk if i want the speed of 6.1, or the awsomeness of 6.5 stage"....so now your switching back n forth between 6.1 and 6.5 as time passes by until you say **** it 6.5 it is...its been out long enough to be stable....so you go thru the whole process of going thru all the kitchens...all the roms...collect another series of valuable OEMS...loose another 24 hours of sleep....so on

now youve found the right kitchen but its a visual kitchen...not like the old kitchen...the new visual kitchen...so now your fuked because all those OEMs u had collected are unusable because you dont know how to convert them to the new kitchn and are too lazy to find out...so in the process of learning the new kitchen u actually permanently brick the phone and are unable to relock cuz it wont go past the tri color screen no matter what..

now you go to sprint, acting like a complete nooob to winmo...and say something like.."i was using the camera when i got an incoming call and it just got stuck on this rainbow screen of some sort for some reason"...in reality your shitting bricks because they might find out its unlocked...specially when it says "UNLOCKED" in red letters on the top of the rainbow screen...w.e, turns out sprints too retarted to notice or maybe they dont check but they give you another touch pro.....a week later your keyboard dies out....u come back, they give you another one......2 weeks later your screens doing all these crazy flickering things till it dies out aswell...so they replace the screen and wala fixed..."btw i have the 7 dollar insurance thing..maybe thats why they're so generous?"

....so after alot of trail and error with 6.5....after trying out every different build version.....tempted to flash everyday as diferent builds would pop outta nowhere evey single day...you finaly get your 6.5 rom perfect....you make sure your gps drivers are all there, everythings working, you actually beta test your rom for atleast a month to make sure everything good....bench mark you vedio drivers, you use every diff radio version atleast for a week and find the best one..ect

now you have the best radio....rom cooked to perfection...phone working perfect hardware wise

sudenly once again now you see windows 6.5.1 popping autta nowhere..u see the cool start on the bottom, the nice big menus ect...but by now youre like **** it, im staying with 6.5.

..and it still sorta temps switchin to 6.5.1 but too much trouble...i finally got my rom perfect after countless lost hours and like 6 touch pros....
i just wish microsoft would support winmo a bit more...its a very powerfull OS...id say the most powerful out of em all, if u know how to use it...

anyways just a lil storie of me n my PRO.......probably just one of many out there

and wanna give thanx to calkulin who actually gave me support and for creating such awsome kitchens which produce the best roms out there.

thnx for reading hope y'enjoy....i know your reading and probly thinking to youself like "yea me too!"


DUDE THATS PRICELESS,I CRIED LAUGHING SO HARD!! i like you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world though!!!

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 10:17 PM
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Re: Just another Touch Pro life story

LMFAO - That's never happened to me......<wink>

Thanks for the laugh,
Hellllpppppp, I can't stop flashing....

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