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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2009, 10:59 PM
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Full back up vs. ROM flashing

If I do a full back up (spb backup) that backs up database, programs & directory, does reflashing with an updated ROM (mightymike) defeat the purpose? In other words, if the updated ROM has updates to the directory, wouldn't the full back up change them back after flashing? If so then how should I back up for a reflash so I don't have to go back in & change all my settings back the way they were?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 01:00 AM
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Re: Full back up vs. ROM flashing

Originally Posted by rsmith0318 View Post
If I do a full back up (spb backup) that backs up database, programs & directory, does reflashing with an updated ROM (mightymike) defeat the purpose? In other words, if the updated ROM has updates to the directory, wouldn't the full back up change them back after flashing? If so then how should I back up for a reflash so I don't have to go back in & change all my settings back the way they were?
Yes, a full system backup is intended as that, a backup or something to fall on if you dont like what you flashed. (This is an excellent resource for testing new ROMs, if you dont like the new ROM you just flashed, just flash the previous one and perform a full restore afterwards and your phone will be back in business like nothing ever happened)

You should NEVER restore a backup from and older ROM into a newer one, this causes unpredictable results and data loss (personal experience).

If you wish to keep your settings and programs, you should look for another solution like sashimi that allows to install all your programs (in some cases with registration if you figure out how to create .reg files for the registry) and other programs. Also for your contacts you should use either PIM backup or MyPhone from MS (note that My Phone also will backup your texts, pictures and music on the device to an online account)
Some Samsung fold phone > Treo 600 > Treo 650 > Treo 700p > Treo 755p > HTC Touch Pro > HTC EVO

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-23-2009, 01:38 AM
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Re: Full back up vs. ROM flashing

just dont do a full reg backup... thats the only thing thatll potentially make things not work.. you have to go for individual reg entries.. like your opera favs, doesnt matter what ROM, the file thats store that is the same.. all your settings, ringers, contact pics, are individual reg entries... it really is alot of work snagging everything the first time around.. theres a few threads around with pretty detailed help.. the sashimi thread being one of em.. al the most commonly backeded up regs are there for ya...

sashimi to me is best, however i dont care about txt msgs.. it backs up reg,PIM, and has Makisu-which restores all your email accounts for you in about 5seconds.. you can set sashimi to ROOT folders-which is the equivelent to using activesync to restore your my documents folder but you get to add files anywhere on the device.. ex-the files you put in windows folder for say your taskbar icons, do you use titanium, all your titanium setting,fonts,.cpr files etc ... you can make anything go whereever you want.. tired of roms that dont put the start meanu icons in folders, assign all your apps where to go automatically, creating the folders if needed..

sashimi does it all, for real...and everything is backed up on your sd card, not some cloud like MSmyphone aka MSstealmyinfo... theres other backups sure, but nothing really beats how thorough and rooted you can get with sashimi IMO..
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"

Last edited by boredandtattooed; 12-23-2009 at 01:42 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-28-2009, 05:07 PM
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Re: Full back up vs. ROM flashing

It is worth mentioning that Sprite and SPB Backup support special ROM upgrade mode restores, and I have heard many say they work, but I think you would be much better off doing clean installs or using methods such ss BoredandTattoed metioned if you are going to Flash a ROM...
Psi Phi:]\/[aster 5ys0p of ]\/[@9!]<
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