Originally Posted by kcaegis45
I am NOT looking for a cab to change/add/delete cities but to find out where the file itself is.
In the Touch, it was in windows/HH_0409_WeatherCities.xml but when I look in the TP under windows, I don't see this file.
Can someone please tell me where it is? Thanks
The TP doesn't use an xml file to store weather data its all located in the "2330fc3c_manila" file
I have enclosed a modded 2330fc3c_manila which has all US cites, but no other countries. Also note this modded file is only for Manila 2.1
If you would want to edit the file your self you can use SQLite Administrator, which I also attached. That can be used to edit any 2330fc3c_manila files regardless what version of Manila. As for the new "HTC Sense" which is the new form of Manila, I haven't tried it.