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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2009, 10:37 PM
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Re: Can't get e-mail working

I assume you have Outlook set up on your PC. On your PC (NOT your phone) go into the Outlook settings (Tools/Accounts) and pick "view or change existing account". Then, go into the server settings and find your POP/SMTP settings there. It could be something like "mail.xxxx.com" or "pop.xxxx.com", or it might even be an IP address like "". As mentioned above, it will not have any sort of protocol (like http://) in front of it.Use those settings on your phone.

Failing that, ask your IT person (I assume this is a business email account) for the IP address of the mailserver and see if that works.
The Answerman - moving into the fascinating world of Android!

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