I was using my TP at work today, set it down for a few minutes - and when I picked it back up, I noticed that the screen was *off* (or so I thought). After failed attempts to turn the screen on (pressing power button among others) where nothing seemed to make anything appear on the screen, I pressed the reset button with the stylus.
Well the phone did its little vibrate and looked like everything was fine, except that it was stuck on the "TOUCHpro" welcome screen. I let it sit like that for about 15 minutes, and it never got past that initial screen. I have hit the reset button with the stylus quite a bunch of times, each one waiting a few minutes to see if it would get past the initial welcome screen.
This is on the EmpiROM (WM6.5.1).
Of course - since the phone doesn't boot up all the way, I can't flash a fresh copy of the ROM on there...so I'm dead in the water right now. Please help this newb! Thanks in advance