Re: Mightyrom6 Touch Pro Battery Issues
try to recalibrate your battery first. the steps i take are as follows.
first let the battery drain completely. once its drained as much as you can get it, keep it turned off & charge it completely. i recommend doing this every 30-40 charging cycles(for us typically 30-40 days) also you can install battery saving tweaks found all over by searching. third you can & should update your Radio as i've found this to be a great helper & i think its almost necessary when you are using newer builds of windows but still using a stock radio made for a stock windows mobile 6 also a backlight management system like LUMOS is important as well. i have heard the mightyrom is notorious for draining the battery, try the stuff i mentioned above & see where it gets you, but i've stayed away from mightyrom due to word on the street about poor battery life. GL hope some of this helps.
|Sprint|HTC|EVO 4G|EPRP Family 1600|
|Ubuntu|Ultimate Edition 2.4| [Ubuntu 10.04] |KDE 4.2| http://www.wksportbike.com |
Re: Mightyrom6 Touch Pro Battery Issues
I used mightyrom for a while and found the battery life to be quite poor. I switched to baseline and use titanium and found that the battery lasted a LOT longer.
I suggest you click on my sig and try it out.
Re: Mightyrom6 Touch Pro Battery Issues
dunno what u guys are talking about mR6 is the best! are u leaving phone on too long? apps running? mine can still be full battery after a day if i dont use it much.
Re: Mightyrom6 Touch Pro Battery Issues